

Steve Aschburner, NBA.com: 首先,這不是討論職業生涯的成就吧?(否則選Dirk Nowitzki)。也不是挑選選秀順位最高的外籍球員吧? (否則應該選Andrew Wiggins)。好的,就綜合去季表現及來季預測,我會選去季的最佳陣容一隊中鋒並在MVP票選得票頭十位的Marc Gasol。30歲的他在多方面以至體格上都處於個人的巔峰,他有身高和體形、全方位的技巧、而且是一個出色的隊友。
引用Steve Aschburner, NBA.com: We’re not talking lifetime achievement (Dirk Nowitzki), right? Nor are we going with the foreign-born guy we’d draft No. 1 for the career he’ll put together (possibly Andrew Wiggins)? Fine. For today and this season, give me Marc Gasol, the first-team All-NBA center and a top-10 finisher in Kia MVP balloting last season. At 30, he’s at the peak of his power and in his best physical shape ever. He’s got size, he boasts multiple skills and he’s a tremendous teammate and individual.

Scott Howard-Cooper, NBA.com: 我會選Marc Gasol。Tony Parker憑他個人的投射和三分球、以及在馬刺隊中無可取代的無形作用亦可挑戰這席位。(Tony Parker在其他數據上的失色,主要是因為馬刺隊的戰術安排沒有讓他負起太多工作。) 而過去Joakim Noah亦曾顯出有力問鼎的實力。但綜觀Marc Gasol 2014/15賽季的整體表現,無論在進攻、防守及職業態度上都配得上第一。
引用Scott Howard-Cooper, NBA.com: Marc Gasol. Tony Parker is still in the conversation with his overall shooting and 3-point range plus the intangibles as one of the centerpieces of all that is right in San Antonio (the underwhelming per-game numbers in other categories are misleading because the Spurs don’t assign him a heavy workload). And there were times in the past it seemed that Joakim Noah was ready to make a push up the ranking. Gasol’s 2014-15 earned the top spot, though. Offense, defense, professionalism. That’s deserving of No. 1.

Shau​​n Powell, NBA.com: Marc Gasol曾經連家中的最強球員也不是(當然,因為有Pau Gasol)。但現在他不僅超越了Pau Gasol,甚至是Dirk Nowitzki (已從生涯巔峰步入黃昏時期)、Tony Parker、Serge Ibaka等球星。在數年後,這個頭銜可能將要讓給Andrew Wiggins,我們拭目以待。
引用Shaun Powell, NBA.com: Marc Gasol at one point wasn’t even the best foreign-born player in his own family. But now he has squeezed ahead of not only Pau Gasol but Dirk Nowitzki (on the downside of a great career), Tony Parker, Serge Ibaka, etc. In a few years he may pass the baton to Andrew Wiggins. We’ll see.

John Schuhmann, NBA.com:假如Tim Duncan也算國際球員的話 (出生於美屬維京群島,曾於2004年代表美國隊出征雅典奧運),那他仍然是現役第一,而Marc Gasol很接近的緊隨其後。39歲的Duncan在比賽中仍然能在攻防兩端發揮重要作用,而且他的領導才能和指揮能力亦不容忽視。Tony Parker在進攻上比Duncan重要,但他不及Duncan般攻守皆能。而同樣地,Dirk Nowitzki的防守亦未夠出色。
引用John Schuhmann, NBA.com: If Tim Duncan counts as an international player, he’s still No. 1, with Marc Gasol a close second. Duncan is still an impact player on both ends of the floor, and his leadership and coachability can’t be discounted. Tony Parker is more important to the Spurs’ offense than Duncan is at this point, but isn’t the two-way player that his teammate is. Dirk Nowitzki, meanwhile, has become a real liability on defense.

Sekou Smith, NBA.com: 最強外籍球員的名銜現在是屬於Marc Gasol的 ,他的身體優勢及純熟技巧是灰熊隊的基石,而他亦不在活在老哥Pau Gasol的陰影下。他的努力、入選全明星賽、入選最佳陣客、及他完美無瑕的球技使他得以勝過其他外籍球員。
引用Sekou Smith, NBA.com: This is Marc Gasol’s honor and mantle to carry until someone else from the international pool takes it. A physical brute and an absolute technician as the backbone of the Memphis Grizzlies, Marc is no longer playing in the shadow of big brother Pau. The ultimate testament to Marc’s journey is that you don’t have to make a case for him by pointing out the strengths and weaknesses of any of the other candidates. He’s earned his spot at the top of the international heap by working his tail off and becoming an All-Star and All-NBA player without any glaring flaws in his game.

Lang Whitaker, NBA.com's All Ball blog: 現役最強外籍球員,我第一個想到的是Dirk Nowitzki,因為他很久以來都是最好的國際球員。但隨著年紀漸長及Nowitzki在小牛隊的上陣時間減少,可能我們挑選其他球員。Al Horford?Andrew Wiggins?Pau Gasol?(在澳洲出生的的Kyrie Irving 算嗎?) 但即使包括他們,我還是認為是Marc Gasol。他很容易被忽視,就好像今年夏天是自由球員的他,無聲無色地就與灰熊隊續約了。雖然已經30歲,但Marc Gasol仍然是聯盟中最頂尖的中鋒之一、技巧最全面的球員之一。
引用Lang Whitaker, NBA.com’s All Ball blog: The first player to come to mind was Dirk Nowitzki, because he’s been the best international player in the NBA for so long. But with Dirk aging and playing less of a role with the Mavericks, perhaps it’s time to look elsewhere. Al Horford? Andrew Wiggins? Pau Gasol? (Does Kyrie Irving count, since he was born in Australia?) But even considering all of those guys, I think I might have to go with Marc Gasol. It’s easy to forget about him because while he was one of the top free agents this summer, he stayed below the radar and re-signed with the Grizzlies. But at just 30 years old, Marc Gasol is still one of the top centers in the NBA, with one of the most diverse skillsets in the league.



標籤: Marc Gasol