Danilo Gallinari:Kevin Durant是聯盟裡的最強進攻球員!

今屆的歐錦賽,意大利隊在Danilo Gallinari及Andrea Bargnani兩位NBA球員帶領下打出好成績,僅於八強不敵立陶宛。而27歲的金塊隊前鋒Danilo Gallinari接受了訪問,並提到他如何學習NBA球星們的進攻技巧,而當中亦包括兩位明星級球員,Kevin Durant和LeBron James。

Danilo Gallinari表示:“我嘗試向不同的球員學習,並且學習他們的腳步。我嘗試去了解怎樣可以使自己更進步及變得更優秀。比如說,Kevin Durant,他是我對上過的最強進攻球員,所以我會觀察他的打法,並嘗試了解他是如何砍下如此多的分數”
引用"I tried to learn from different players, the moves of different players," Gallinari said. "I tried to understand what I can do better. A lot of different things. Say, Kevin Durant. He's the best offensive player I've ever played against. So I looked at him, what he does, how he manages to score all those points.

Danilo Gallinari繼續說道:“又比如說,LeBron James,他非常全能,不管是得分或防守,他的籃板能力亦十分優秀。相反,我必須要觀察自己各方面的表現,學習如何可以更加穩定,並且在NBA比賽中以不同的方式得分。”
引用"Or at LeBron. He can do everything, score, play defense. How he rebounds is unbelievable. I have to look at a lot of aspects of my game. How to be more consistent, how to be able to score in different ways in the NBA."


