Shaquille O'Neal鼓勵Kobe繼續征戰:只要還有能力打就別退役!

日前,「巨無霸」Shaquille O'Neal接受Times-Picayune的記者John Reid訪問時表示,他認為昔日湖人拍檔Kobe Bryant只要還想繼續打球,就不應該選擇退役,似乎Shaq亦想繼續看到Kobe繼續在聯盟裡比賽。來季將是Kobe在湖人的第20個球季,而這亦將創下NBA球員效力同一球隊的最長時間記錄。

Shaquille O'Neal說道,“如果你仍然還有能力,你就應該繼續打下去,因為一旦結束了以後,你就無法再回來。”事實上,在2011年因阿基里斯腱傷患而退役的O'Neal亦表示,如果自己不是有傷病問題,他肯定會繼續征戰下去,並且力求在退役前在總得分榜中超越Wilt Chamberlain。
引用Reid spoke to O'Neal on Friday, where Shaq told him of Kobe, ''If you still got something, you should go because once it's done you can't get it back."O'Neal, who was forced into retirement by an Achilles injury in 2011, revealed that if he could have avoided hurting himself, he would have continued to play and attempted to pass Wilt Chamberlain in scoring before retiring.

引用''But it's different for a guard because they got control --'I'm going to shoot this time. For big guys, it is kind of hard. You've got to labor down.''


但Shaquille O'Neal在訪問中亦明言自己不能支持湖人隊,原因是...

引用"I had to tuck those feelings away when I became a (minority) owner of the Sacramento Kings,'' O'Neal said. ''I'm a business man."

資料來源:SB Nation Silver Screen & Roll


標籤: Shaquille O'Neal  Kobe Bryant