MMA綜合格鬥巨星:DeMarcus Cousins可成為下一個格鬥冠軍!

據美國媒體"The Sacremento Bees"消息,日前國王隊一眾球員,包括明星中鋒DeMarcus Cousins,接受了綜合格鬥(MMA)世界級明星Urijah Faber的格鬥訓練。而格鬥好手Urijah Faber更指Cousins有能力成為下一個MMA超級巨星。

身高僅5尺6寸的Urijah Faber站在6尺11寸高的國王隊中鋒DeMarcus Cousins旁邊,並說道:“這家夥會是格鬥場上的一頭野獸。只要給我們幾年時間去訓練,他將可以成為下一個格鬥冠軍。”
引用“This guy would be a beast here,” Faber, 5-foot-6, said while standing next to DeMarcus Cousins, the Kings’ 6-11 All-Star center. “Give us a couple years, and we’ll have the next champion.”

DeMarcus Cousins當然沒有打算放棄他的籃球事業。Cousins和他的隊友在Faber的訓練中心接受了大約一個小時的訓練,而他們皆認為互相踢腿或踢沙包比平常枯燥的跑步訓練更有趣。而Cousins亦指這是球隊訓練員Chip Schaefer為他們安排的另類訓練,讓他們在訓練營前有點有趣的熱身和準備。

引用“Everyone dreads just going in the gym and running suicides – or just running, for that matter,” Cousins said. “So we tried to find different ways for conditioning, and this is one of them.”

而且隨著球隊的新球員來投,Stephen Curry弟弟、國王隊後衛Seth Curry認為這今季首次的訓練有助新舊隊友們更團結,他說“來季球隊陣容將有不少變化,因此大家一起前來訓練,對我們盡早融入球隊有一定的幫助。能夠在開季前幾星期和大家熟絡,比到了開季時才互相認識肯定要好得多。”
引用“We’ve got a very new team, so coming to town, being around each other away from the gym, in the gym, whatever the case may be, it’s going to help us starting the season out early,” said guard Seth Curry, the younger brother of Golden State star Stephen Curry. “You don’t want to show up the first day and introduce yourself; you want to do that a couple weeks beforehand, and that’s what we’re trying to do.”

引用“I think it was a great workout,” he said. “It’s two different sports, but there’s similarities between both. ... With fighting, you have a sense of urgency to protect yourself. You don’t want to lose a tooth or get your nose broken. With us, you don’t want to give up a basket or for that matter have a costly turnover.”

資料來源:The Sacremento Bees


標籤: DeMarcus Cousins