最夢幻的夢幻隊 ─ Dream Team「夢幻一隊」

美國男籃「夢幻一隊」(Dream Team) ,被不少籃球迷認定是史上最強的隊伍,它的影響力甚至超越「夢幻」。夢幻一隊於1992年代表美國出戰巴塞羅那奧運會,並成功拿下金牌,它的影響力在遍及賽場內外。這支球隊不僅統治每一場比賽,並以場均44分的分差先後擊敗八支球隊,更重要的是這支首次加入NBA球星的美國隊,讓全世界的籃球迷感受到世界最頂級的籃球技術。


夢幻一隊的主教練Chuck Daly曾說,“這支球隊就好像「貓王」Elvis Presley和「披頭四」The Beatles的結合體,而與隊中的球星到世界各地征戰就好像跟12位搖滾巨星世界巡迴表演一般,這是最好的比喻。”
引用"It was," said Coach Chuck Daly, "like Elvis and the Beatles put together. Traveling with the Dream Team was like traveling with 12 rock stars. That's all I can compare it to."

這支球隊有多強?首先夢幻一隊的先發陣容中有三位史上最偉大球星:Michael Jordan、Magic Johnson及Larry Bird,加上一眾名人堂級球星包括:內線的David Robinson、Patrick Ewing、Charles Barkley 及 Karl Malone;鋒衛有Scottie Pippen、Chris Mullin、Clyde Drexler;控衛有John Stockton;加上當年大學最優秀的Christian Laettner。
對上夢幻一隊,任何球隊都毫無還擊之力,但他們並不在乎。最有趣的例子是,一名防守Magic Johnson的球員在比賽中對板凳席上拿著相機的隊友瘋狂揮手,只為了確保隊友有將自己和Magic拍下來。

主教練Chuck Daly在1992年8月8日,夢幻一隊以117比85擊敗克羅地亞奪冠後說道,“其他球隊的球員都清楚知道自己在跟世界上最頂級的球星交手。回到家鄉,即使退役後,他們都可以跟他們的孩子說‘我曾經和Michael Jordan、Magic Johnson和Larry Bird他們比賽!’而隨著和我們交手的機會越多,他們將更有信心。”
引用"They knew they were playing the best in the world," reflected Daly after the team won the gold medal with a 117-85 win over Croatia on August 8, 1992. "They'll go home and for the rest of their lives be able to tell their kids, 'I played against Michael Jordan and Magic Johnson and Larry Bird.' And the more they play against our best players, the more confident they're going to get.

“最終總會有一天 - 我並不是指這一天會很快來到,但事實上,將來無可避免的是 - 世界上其他球員會一直進步,最終會達到與我們相同的水平。而當他們回顧歷史時就會發現,夢幻一隊就是這一切的轉捩點。”
引用"Finally there will come a day -- I'm not saying it will happen anytime soon, mind you, but it's inevitable that it will happen -- that they will be able to compete with us on even terms. And they'll look back on the Dream Team as a landmark event in that process."



標籤: Dream Team  夢幻一隊