Kevin Durant前隊友:KD該仿傚LeBron James,重返家鄉加盟巫師!

當年華盛頓巫師「三巨頭」之一的Caron Butler近日正宣傳他的個人自傳,"Tuff Juice: My Journey from the Streets to the NBA",而他著作的致謝部分中僅提及三位NBA球星,包括Kobe Bryant、Dwyane Wade及Kevin Durant。

雖然這位征戰NBA 13載的老將與雷霆隊明星前鋒Kevin Durant只曾在2013/14賽季合作了半個球季,但Durant的表現己足以令他感到讚嘆,而他日前亦談及對這位球星的看法。

引用"He’s an unbelievable person,” said Butler, 35, who signed with Sacramento in July after spending last season with Detroit. “He was the main reason I went to Oklahoma City to try to push for that championship. Our relationship and our friendship grew so much over the years and we talk on a consistent basis.”

Caron Butler回憶起2014年LeBron James的熱火在總冠軍戰中敗於馬刺,然後決定離開邁阿密,回歸克利夫蘭。如今他密切關注著,明年夏天將成為自由球員的Kevin Durant又會否重返家鄉,加盟華盛頓巫師?

Caron Butler說,“雷霆的總經理Sam Presti肯定會想殺了我,但是...如果KD回到了家鄉華盛頓,他將會帶來多麼大的影響力,這會有多麼的特別!......我認為James真的締造了屬於他的傳奇,他的回歸讓克利夫蘭的人歡喜若狂,他為自己的傳奇性、自己的品牌創造最大的影響力。他深受克利夫蘭社區的歡迎,他改變了生命,提升了整個社區。”
引用"[Oklahoma City GM] Sam Presti’s going to kill me, but … how amazing would that be if KD returned to this area, you know the impact and how special it would be? ...... I think LeBron really tapped into his legacy and he found his niche and knew what his niche was, always playing basketball and making people better, but [he thought] where can I have the biggest impact for my legacy and my brand? Going back to Cleveland, and he was accepted with open arms and he’s impacting lives, he’s changing lives, he’s uplifting the whole community.

“Kevin Durant可以去湖人,洛杉磯那裡有巨大的市場,還有紐約,同樣是無與倫比的城市。還有Pat Riley的熱火,也是總冠軍的有力競爭者。但如果Durant回到家鄉華盛頓,這個美國最高權力的城市、這個他的家鄉,那必定會帶來巨大的影響力。華盛頓社區的球迷必定會十分振奮。”
引用"Kevin Durant. He [could] go to the Lakers. Great market, unbelievable, the city of Los Angeles. New York, unbelievable. Pat Riley, Miami, championship contender. But what if he came back to Washington, D.C., the most powerful city in America? It’s where he’s from. It would be so impactful. It would be so uplifting for the DMV.”

此外,Caron Butler認為Durant和Russell Westbrook兩個頂級球星的組合,足以挑戰史上最佳二人組合的頭銜。而來季的雷霆將會充滿壓迫感,當然,全因這可能是KD的最後一個賽季。

資料來源:The Washington Post
