紐約總裁Phil Jackson:Carmelo Anthony來季將有更多機會打大前鋒位置,將搭檔Robin Lopez

日前,紐約尼克總裁Phil Jackson接受訪問時談及,他相信在新球季Carmelo Anthony將有更多機會和新加盟的中鋒Robin Lopez搭檔,並擔當大前鋒位置。

Phil Jackson表示,“我們覺得Robin十分適合擔任我們球隊的中鋒,其中一個原因是他可以讓球隊的調動更靈活多變,並讓Carmelo可以有更多時間打大前鋒。相比起Greg Monroe等其他中鋒,Robin Lopez的體型及防守都更為出色。”
引用“One of the reasons why we really thought Robin would be the best fit for us as a center was that it would allow us to be more flexible as a team and Carmelo can play more of a ‘4’,” Jackson said on Friday. “As opposed to maybe a Greg Monroe who is not the same size, not the same defensive player.”

事實上,近幾個賽季尼克隊安排Melo打大前鋒的效果相當不錯。根據82games.com的數據,上賽季當Melo擔任大前鋒時,他們平均48分鐘時間要比對手多拿5.7分。而他打小前鋒時,平均48分鐘的時間反而要輸對手7.2分。而由於紐約尼克隊中亦有Kyle O’Quinn、Kristaps Porzingis等其他大前鋒可以選擇,Phil Jackson亦坦言仍然在思考Carmelo Anthony的位置。
「禪師」說道,“有關Melo要以甚麼位置上陣,將很大程度視乎會對上甚麼球員及誰人負責防守他。因此我們早前也簽下6尺8寸能勝任大小前鋒的自由球員Derrick Williams,他有速度,他可以和Melo搭檔,亦可以頂替Melo打任何任置。”
引用“A lot of how Carmelo is going to approach the game is who’s going to guard him and the matchups that go along with that process,” Jackson said. “One of our reasons to get [free agent Derrick] Williams was the fact here’s a guy 6-8 who can play 3s, 4s, interchangeable, has the speed and activity to play with or for Carmelo in any situation.”

而且,讓Carmelo Anthony打大前鋒可以減輕他在防守上的壓力。他不用去防守那些以速度及外圍出手由主的小前鋒,而是防守較高大但更慢的大前鋒。「禪師」表示,“最關鍵的因素是我們的防守,我們整支球隊怎樣打出好的防守,這對Carmelo以及所有球員挑戰。”
引用“The big key is about defending. That’s what it comes down to: how are going to defend as a basketball team. That’s the challenge for Carmelo and all of our players,” Jackson said.



標籤: Carmelo Anthony  Phil Jackson