Jeremy Lin 林書豪反擊各種誤解批評,單防封阻次數控衛中排名第一!

近日,Jeremy Lin林書豪接受"Charlotte Observer"的訪問,並談及了自己今年夏天的訓練成果。
記者問到Jeremy Lin過去怎樣被人誤解、以及今年夏天他的訓練時,林書豪表示,“其實我在紐約尼克時,我的防守能力已經被批評。大家都說‘噢!他是糟糕的防守者。’但事實從數據上看,你會發現我在單防對手時的封阻次數是所有控衛中排名第一的。有些人說‘他的運動能力不夠強’,在我看來,他們只是因為我是亞裔才會有如此看法。”
引用A lot of that kind of goes back to New York and some of the perceptions formed there. One was defense. People are like, ‘Oh, he’s a terrible defender.’

But honestly, if you really dig into the numbers, if you look at my isolation defense numbers, you will see me leading all point guards in blocks per 48 minutes. People think, ‘Oh man, he’s not that athletic.’ To me, people just see me being Asian and they think a certain thing. That’s not all of it, but that’s part of the story.

林書豪繼續說,“三分球也是大家對我的批評之一,他們都說我外圍投籃欠佳,但事實上我的投籃數據根本沒有他們所說的不濟;而且我也可以從左路進攻;另外還有失誤等等各樣的批評。這些都不是我個人獨有的問題,而你們亦經常見NBA很多其他球員也遭受過這些批評,Blake Griffin、Dwight Howard等等。即使他們改進了,但那些誤解依然存在。”
引用Three-point shooting? That’s another one. They say, ‘He can’t shoot,’ but look at the numbers. And I can go to my left, too. Turnovers – that’s another one. None of this is isolated to me. You see a lot of guys in the NBA that it happens to. Blake Griffin. Dwight Howard. They get better at certain things, but there are still all these old misperceptions about their game.

As for what I’ve been working on this summer – ball-handling, a lot of defense, a lot of shooting and a lot of floaters. On my shot, I tweaked the shooting form, lowering the release point slightly. As for the floater, you don’t have to take as much of a beating when you shoot it, and against elite shot-blockers it gives you another option.

資料來源:Charlotte Observer


標籤: Jeremy Lin  林書豪