華盛頓巫師John Wall:定必努力協助球隊招攬Kevin Durant!

日前,華盛頓巫師控衛John Wall接受訪問時表示,他將努力協助球隊追逐明年夏天成為自由球員、於華盛頓成長的超級球星Kevin Durant。

John Wall對媒體Comcast SportsNet Mid-Atlantic的記者說道,“明年夏天我們將有機會招攬Durant並將他帶回家鄉。但我也清楚明白,在今季他只會專注雷霆隊的比賽,而我也會專注在我們的賽事。但當時機成熟、他無須在顧慮比賽的時候,那我可能會與他交談一下,看是否可以邀請他加盟。 ”
引用"There's gonna be an opportunity to throw a pitch at him to try to get him to come back home," Wall told Comcast SportsNet Mid-Atlantic."But I know one thing of just knowing him he's going to be very focused on taking care of Oklahoma City this season, and I'm going to be focused on taking care of the Washington Wizards," Wall said. "But when the time is right and he can get away from all that, yeah, we'll probably have some conversation and throw a pitch."

但早前Kevin Durant出現在華盛頓紅人隊對上紐約巨人隊的比賽場中,他似乎十分享受現在在奧克拉荷馬城的生活,以及現在的隊友。他表示,“我十分喜歡在奧克拉荷馬的生活,我喜愛我的隊友,我暫時都沒有考慮要再去哪裡。我經常都聽到其他人叫我考慮一下,但在我而言,我十分喜歡現在的一切,而我是一個喜愛整個職業生涯都只效力一支球隊的人。”
引用"I love it here, man. I love my teammates, I love the city, I don't really think about anywhere else," Durant told Revolt TV this past spring. "I hear it all the time, don't get me wrong, and once you hear it you're kind of like [looks up, thinking]. But for me, I love staying in the moment, and I'm one of those guys that would love to stick it out with one team my whole career.

Durant補充道,“好比Kobe Bryant、Tim Duncan、Dirk Nowitzki,他們都是超棒的。但你永遠不會知道未來會怎樣,而球隊又會對你有甚麼的看法,但我十分喜歡雷霆隊,而我希望能在這裡效忠至退休。”
引用"Kobe [Bryant], Tim Duncan, Dirk Nowitzki type. That's awesome," he said. "But you never know what the future holds sometimes and how teams may feel about you after a while, but I love it here and I would love to get my jersey retired here."

從KD的言論中,似乎他個人對轉投其他球隊並不感到太大的興趣。但值得思考的是,如果來季雷霆隊仍然未能在季後賽中有出色表現,Durant仍會一心一意待在雷霆?還是會考慮與John Wall等球員搭檔,往東區發展,並且一試自己在自由市場的身價?



標籤: John Wall  Kevin Durant