主教練Doc Rivers:今夏球隊補強順利,但去年夏天沒有球員願意來快艇!

在主教練Doc Rivers的帶領及今夏的轉會操作下,如今的洛杉磯快艇隊人才濟濟,有聯盟中最頂級的陣容深度,而球隊實力絕對是數個球季以來最強的。

球隊今夏新加盟的球員包括去季助火箭擊敗快艇的前鋒Josh Smith;去季在黃蜂表現不如意的鋒衛Lance Stephenson;前洛杉磯湖人的小前鋒Wesley Johnson;回到家鄉、充滿季後賽經驗的Paul Pierce。加上未有轉投達拉斯小牛的中鋒DeAndre Jordan。快艇陣容的強大, 新加盟的Josh Smith表示,“看看球隊現在的陣容和今夏轉會操作,Doc Rivers教練招攬人才的能力實在令媒體也感到震驚。”
引用"Looking at the roster and how it was put together this summer, I bet it was pretty much a shock to the media on how Doc was able to get everybody to come together," Smith said.

在2013年接任球隊主教練及高級籃球運營副總裁的Doc Rivers表示,“我接手後的第一年夏天的確是非常艱難,當時球隊沒有老闆 (前老闆Donald Sterling因為其種族歧視言論,被NBA處以終身禁賽及被逼交經營權),招攬球員幾乎是不可能的。我們去跟自由球員談,他們的經紀人就會說,‘我們連最後老闆是誰都不知道,我們怎麼可能加盟你的球隊?’那是一個十分艱難的夏天。”
引用"The first summer was tough. We didn't have an owner in place. Recruiting was near-impossible," Rivers said of the chaos that reigned before Donald Sterling sold the club to Steve Ballmer in 2014. "You go in and talk to free agents and their agent would say, 'Well, we don't even know who's going to own your team. Why would we commit to you guys?' That was a hard summer for us."

但隨著新老闆Steve Ballmer的到來,球隊重新注入活力和信心,並在今夏大展拳腳,簽下一眾球員,也挽留住了中鋒DeAndre Jordan。現在他們應專注於如何克服如上賽季領先3-1遭火箭反勝的情況,以及突破西區次輪的心理關口。

Doc Rivers說道,“我會那麼在意其他人的看法,你們可以隨意評價我。不管怎樣,我都得做好我的工作。今年夏天我們球隊的補強順利,如果球員表現未如理想,我想這是我的錯。球隊有著固定的核心,而我們只需要確保它和輔助球員的正常運轉。現在從牌面上看我們的確非常出色,但實際表現還需要在賽場上驗證,我將繼續努力,不會因批評而退縮。”
引用"I could care less about being judged. You can judge me any day. I'm going to keep doing my job regardless," he said Sunday after the team practiced at UC Irvine. "And at the end of the day we've had a great summer but if the players don't play well, I guess that's my fault too. And I don't care about that. We have a heck of a core and we have to just keep trying to figure out the right group around them. Right now on paper we've had an amazing summer but we don't know if it fits perfect or not yet. You've got to keep doing it until you get it right, and you can never be gun-shy because of criticism."

雖然球隊陣容相當出色,但快艇隊仍需要解決分配上陣時間的問題,Paul Pierce是否樂意減少上場時間?Lance Stephenson會否成為更衣室裡的不穩定因素?再者,球隊在西區季後賽亦需要面對勇士、馬刺、火箭等強敵,他們最終可以走得多遠?
資料來源:Los Angeles Times
