Kevin Garnett願為森林狼效力至退休,但他表示:我討厭當中鋒!

上賽季,森林狼的主教練Flip Saunders將「狼王」Kevin Garnett帶回明尼蘇達,以協助年輕潛力球員如Andrew Wiggins、Zach LaVine、Shabazz Muhammad及Gorgui Dieng等的成長,並且凝聚一眾隊友。如今Flip Saunders因治療癌症而需要暫時離開球隊,曾效力球隊長達12個賽季的KG,對球隊的作用更顯得重要。

Kevin Garnett在1995年選秀被森林狼隊以第1輪第5順位選中,曾於2004年與Sam Cassell及Latrell Sprewell為球隊取得西區最佳的58勝24敗,並打進西區決賽,KG並且成為常規賽MVP。及後於2007年轉投波士頓塞爾提克,與Ray Allen、Paul Pierce組成「三巨頭」,成功拿下2007/08賽季的總冠軍。之後曾效力布魯克林籃網,如今最終回到森林狼隊中。
Kevin Garnett表示,“我希望能夠在明尼蘇達結束我的職業生涯,我喜歡享受這裡的生活,我喜歡這裡的人,我很享受在這裡的時光,我是一個明尼蘇達人。我和Flip Saunders教練之間有著非常非常非常好的關係。”
引用"Minnesota was the last place that I would think I would end up," Garnett said. "Although I did keep my home here. I do enjoy living here. I enjoy the people here. I enjoyed my time here so much that this is where I live. I am a Minnesotan. I never rule out any possibilities. I knew Flip and I have a great, great, great relationship."

談及Flip Saunders的病情,Garnett表示,“我一直都保持樂觀和正面的態度,希望大家也會為他祈禱,希望他可以戰勝病魔,早日康復。我願意做盡一切我能力範圍的去幫助他。”
引用I'm being optimistic and I'm being positive, like everybody should be," Garnett said. "Hopefully you guys have Flip in your prayers. The family's not really communicating a lot, but that's their wishes and I'm here to support all of their wishes. But anything I can do to help I'm willing and open to."

引用"I still hate the center position," he said.

儘管Kevin Garnett有這番言論,但以他對球隊的忠心和感情,加上成為一眾年輕球員的榜樣,相信不管是任何位置,他都會付出100%的努力。

資料來源:AP The Big Story


標籤: Kevin Garnett