新賽季火箭隊將改變James Harden進攻方式,借鏡Ray Allen、Richard Hamilton!

根據日前"Houston Chronicle"的報導,火箭隊主教練Kevin McHale透露球隊灰新賽季將改變主將James Harden進攻方式,減少他的控球時間,並為他設計更多無球跑動的戰術,讓他透過擋拆製造更多接球後馬上投籃(catch & shoot)的機會。

對於這種像Richard Hamilton或Ray Allen的打法,James Harden表示,“我喜歡這樣的改變,但不需要太多,或許一場幾次這樣的戰術。我不需要控球對我而言也不錯,能減輕我每次進攻都必須控球的壓力。”
引用"I would like to," Harden said of getting to run a Richard Hamilton or Ray Allen dash through an offense. But then another thought occurred to him."A couple times a game," Harden said before requesting more than he would want to get. "Not too much. Catch-and-shoot, playing off the ball a little more would be good for me. It takes a lot of pressure off me trying to make every single play."

而主教練Kevin McHale亦表示,“Ty Lawson的加盟可以幫助控球及指揮進攻。除了因為Ty Lawson的來投,因好像西區決賽或總冠軍戰的時候,勇士的前鋒Draymond Green也多次深入禁區然把球分給空檔的隊友。我們每個球員都應該像他一般互相為隊友尋找機會,Ty Lawson固然可以勝任,而其他球員也應該要做到。”
引用"Ty's going to make plays for others," McHale said. "It can't come just from Ty. If you look back on that (Western Conference finals) series and you looked at the Finals, how many times did (Warriors forward) Draymond Green get in the paint and make a pass out? All of our guys have to make plays for each other. I think Ty instinctively does a good job of that. That doesn't mean everyone doesn't have to."

參考數據,上賽季James Harden只有22.1%的出手是沒有經過控球直接出手的,聯盟中只有26位球員並他更少,而當中大部分是頂級控衛如John Wall、Russell Westbrook、Tony Parker及Chris Paul等等。
Kevin McHale又說道,“試想像一下,James Harden可以透過無球跑動增加更多空檔3分直接出手的機會,我十分期待。我們不欠缺出手的人選,只是欠缺能夠執行擋拆,為Harden創造機會的球員。”
引用"Think about it," McHale said. "I'm always excited when James gets a load-up 3. He comes down the slot. They throw it out to him. No dribble. Catch-and-shoot 3. I love that shot for James. We just don't get enough of them - not because of James, but not enough guys creating that for him through different areas.

資料來源:Houston Chronicle


標籤: James Harden  Ray Allen