鵜鶘球星Anthony Davis努力開發外線火力,加上其身高將令對手無解!

新奧爾良鵜鶘隊的明星大前鋒Anthony Davis因應新主教練Alvin Gentry的要求, 今夏一直努力訓練自己的三分球技術。教練要求他開發三分球的射程,而Anthony Davis明顯地已經達到他的要求,他的進步甚至得到隊中兩位後衛的認同。

鵜鶘隊後衛Tyreke Evans表示,“他投進了不少三分,射程不止於兩邊底角。然後他在投進了後看了我一眼,我只好跟他說,‘這不是正式的比賽。’但他的三分球的確十分不錯,我知道他整個夏天都在訓練三分球,因為我今夏也在新奧爾良和他訓練。他投了很多個三分球,如果他的三分球練好了,將只有天空才是他的極限。”
引用“He knocked down some threes, besides the corner (three), and he looked at me,” Evans recalled Thursday morning. “But I said, ‘It’s not in (an official) game.(His shooting stroke) definitely looked good. He worked on it all summer; I was around him in the summer in New Orleans. He was shooting a lot of threes. If he gets that down, the sky is the limit for him.”

鵜鶘隊的控球後衛Norris Cole說道,“Anthony Davis正在開發新的技術,他努力地擴大自己的射程。他之前一直都已經有很好的中距離跳投,而他現在只需要後退多幾步。當他有空檔的時候,我會嘗試多傳球給他,也會鼓勵他多出手。”
引用“You can tell he’s been in the lab. He’s definitely put in some work on his range,” Pelicans point guard Norris Cole said. “He already had a silky-smooth jumpshot in mid-range, but he’s stepped back and worked on it. When he’s open I’m going to find him. And I told him, every time I find him, shoot it. It’s a shot that he can make, and he makes it at a high rate, so there’s no need to do anything else (but take it) when he’s making it at that clip.”
Tyreke Evans補充道,“以他的身型,他每次出手,都十分有機會命中。特別是他的中距離,那是他最擅長的。每次他中距離出手,我都認為他會投進。現在他只需要踏出三分線出手,而他日前展示的訓練成果似乎相當不錯。”
引用“With his size, any time he shoots, he’s going to have a good look,” Evans said of firing over defenders. “Especially mid-range. That’s what he does best. Every time he shoots a mid-range, I think it’s going in. Now he’s just stepping out to the threes. (Wednesday’s) showing was impressive.”

資料來源:FOX Sports


標籤: Anthony Davis