DeAndre Jordan接受訪問表示他認為最難應付的對手是他兩人!

洛杉磯快艇中鋒DeAndre Jordan日前接受訪問,談及球隊的新隊徽、新球衣、新加盟的老將Paul Pierce及聯盟中他認為最難應付的兩位中鋒。

已跟快艇隊續約四年的DeAndre Jordan表示,“我喜歡這新的球衣,我認為也是時候要改變一下。隊徽的設計很不錯,我非常喜歡。”
引用“I love the uniforms! I think it was time for a change for us, and I think the uniforms are great. The logo's cool. I like it a lot,” said DeAndre Jordan, the team’s starting centre who re-signed for a further four years.

而對於37歲的老將Paul Pierce回到家鄉洛杉磯加盟快艇,DeAndre Jordan說道,“我當然期待他能帶給我們一些經驗以及精神領袖的作用,加上爭奪總冠軍的心態,他已經證明過自己奪冠的能力,他有經驗而且他知道我們需要怎樣改進。”
引用“Definitely some veteran leadership. A championship mind. Somebody who's proven, who's been there before and knows what it takes.”

至於聯盟裡兩個他認為最難應付的對手是...“我要面對的對手之中,最難應付的應該是Marc Gasol或DeMarcus Cousins。他們的體型、以及不論背打或面框的技巧都十分出色,他們是非常優秀及全面的球員。”
引用“The hardest player I've had to guard is maybe Marc Gasol or DeMarcus Cousins. I just think with their size, and they're so skilled with their back to the basket or facing the basket. Just such good all-around players.”

DeAndre Jordan在NBA與Marc Gasol交手23次,Gasol場均可得15.2分、8.9籃板、3.7助攻、1.6抄截及1.7封阻。而DeMarcus Cousins對上DeAndre Jordan17次,平均每場貢獻18分、10.5籃板、2.9助攻、1.1抄截和1.4封阻。
