Dirk Nowitzki已經看化DeAndre Jordan今夏的轉會風波!

近日達拉斯小牛隊的主將Dirk Nowitzki接受了媒體訪問,提及自己之後職業生涯的發展方向,以及球隊在經歷今夏的轉會風波後如何調整。

Dirk Nowitzki對DeAndre Jordan今夏的轉會鬧劇表示,“我們球隊還是需要走下去,他只是一個我們沒法成功招攬的球員。每年夏天轉會市場都有球員非常接近加盟或曾考慮轉投我們球隊,但最終失敗的例子。你希望簽下一些球員但不成功,就是這麼簡單。”
引用“It’s a player we didn’t get,” Nowitzki said at the team’s media day Monday. “Every summer there’s a player that was close or had us on their radar. You go for players and don’t get them. It doesn’t work out.”

對於自己與小牛隊餘下的兩個賽季,Dirk Nowitzki表示,“很明顯退役的日子越來越近,但我沒有只想著退休後每天到海灘的生活。我希望繼續為餘下兩個球季奮鬥,打出高效、高水平的賽事。我會在新球季開始前的這4個星期裡努力進行訓練,以最好的狀態迎接新賽季,盡自己能力打好每一場比賽。”
"Obviously it gets closer, but it's not like I'm thinking of the beach every day," said Nowitzki. "I want to play two more years under contract here, hopefully at a high level, compete, hopefully be efficient when I'm out there. And then retirement obviously comes soon enough. But as of now, I still think I can play at a high level. I'm going to work my butt off here these four weeks to get in the best shape I can get, and then leave it all out there again."

引用"Obviously if you know me a little bit I'm not going to do what some of these athletes do and announce it the year before and have a farewell tour. That's the worst thing that I can think about, (have to) talk about every day. When I'm gone, I'm gone. That's how it's going to go."

資料來源:The Washington Times Yard Barker


標籤: Dirk Nowitzki  DeAndre Jordan