John Wall:新賽季目標挑戰MVP!

即將踏入職業生涯第6個賽季的John Wall,在過去兩個球季均帶領華盛頓巫師隊打進東區季後賽次輪,而他自己亦逐漸向聯盟頂級控衛邁進,而他新賽季希望能挑戰MVP的榮譽。

在接受""記者Alex Kennedy訪問時,被問及來季的個人目標,John Wall表示,“我希望能夠成為爭逐MVP的一份子。因此我需要打出出色的表現,並且協助我的隊友例如交出助攻,以帶領球隊取得勝利。我當然也想再次成為全明星賽中的先發以及獲選年度最佳陣容一隊;希望從去年的年度最佳防守陣容二隊,進步至防守陣容一隊;並嘗試從上賽季的年度最佳陣容三隊,激勵自己今季挑戰二隊的席位;除此之外目標能夠成為聯盟裡的助攻王。我有很多目標渴望能夠達成,而上述這些是最主要的。”
引用John Wall: “I want to be in the MVP conversation and give myself a shot at being the MVP. That means I need to play well, help my teammates play well, get those guys shots and lead my team to wins. I definitely want to be an All-Star starter again. I want to be All-NBA First Team. I want to be on the All-Defensive First Team; I was All-Defensive Second Team last year. I think I was snubbed from the All-NBA Third Team last year, but I just use that as motivation for this year to try to get better. Another individual goal is definitely leading the league in assists this year. There are a lot of things I want to do, but those are some of the main ones.”

記者又提到John Wall上賽季在MVP票選中未有獲得任何選票,這結果是否激勵他的主要原因。該巫師隊控衛回應道,“對,完全正確。我身為一個控衛,因此我不害怕沒有機會去發揮我的實力。我知道自己可以輕鬆砍下24分,但我寧願交出平均18分及10助攻,最重要是球隊能取得勝利。只要是球隊需要的,即使是爭搶籃板、封阻、防守對手的主將,全部我都樂意去做。而我認為這些是MVP級的球員該做的事。”
引用John Wall: “Yeah, totally. I’m a point guard, so I don’t score a lot. I know I could score 24 points if I wanted on any given night, but I’m a guy who can average 18 points and 10 assists, and I’m perfectly fine with that as long as my team is winning. I’m just a guy who does whatever my team needs: rebounding, getting blocks, trying to shut down the best player on the other team. I’m willing to do all of that, and I think that’s what an MVP-type player does because they’re the most valuable player to their team.”

當然,John Wall能否有機會挑戰MVP的榮譽將十分視乎巫師隊的戰績,假如球隊仍然只是東區的第4、5種子,機會將很渺茫。相反,如果巫師能打出60勝以上的成績,John Wall將有望能與Stephen Curry、LeBron James、Anthony Davis、Kevin Durant等一較高下。

資料來源:NBC Sports


標籤: John Wall