ESPN記者回嗆Kevin Durant:他對我的指責不僅錯誤,而且完全沒道理!

明年夏天將成為自由球員的Kevin Durant的轉會新聞鬧得沸沸揚揚,有傳他會轉到紐約尼克、華盛頓巫師、洛杉磯湖人等球隊。而日前KD本人就怒斥ESPN記者Stephen A. Smith說謊,表明自己的家人和朋友從沒有和他聯繫過,指Stephen A. Smith亂報他有興趣加盟湖人消息。

對於Kevin Durant的指責,Stephen A. Smith透過Twitter進行反擊。

他寫道,“我從來沒有說過我和KD本人,或他的家人、兄弟、朋友、隊友等人聯繫過。我只說我從其他人口中得到這個消息 — 從我報導NBA消息19年的人際網絡 — 得知如果他要離開雷霆隊,他將會考慮洛杉磯、邁阿密、華盛頓、紐約這些城市的球隊。就是這麼簡單。他對我的指責不僅是錯誤,而且是完全沒道理,特別是包括我在內的媒體報導一直都只有稱讚他。”
引用At NO time did I ever say I SPOKE to K.D. Or his family. Or his brother, friends, teammates, etc. (although I can assure you all I have on several occasions in the past). I said I HEARD from folks I know -- in a league I've been covering for 19 years -- that if he were to leave OKC as a free agent, these are the cities I was told he was considering. OKC. LA. Miami. DC. NY. I stand by it all. And that is that. His assertion that I was lying is not only FALSE, but totally uncalled for. Especially from a player who receives nothing but praise not only from me, but from practically every media member you can find.

引用Don't know what has happened to Mr. Durant over the years. But I know this much: We all win with his return, because he is an absolute superstar. The NBA is better with him. We're all at a loss without him.
It just appears that @KDTrey5 needs to learn something about today's world in professional sports:
We don't have to talk TO HIM to talk ABOUT HIM!

引用Folks like ME will still be here. Watching! Listening! Waiting! Reporting!
Whether he likes it or not. While he's here and long after he's gone.
Time to get use to it.

的確,作為聯盟裡的超級巨星,有關Kevin Durant明夏的轉會報導將會滔滔不絕。隨著個人的知名度上升,媒體的關注肯定亦會更多,當中難免會有些小道消息或個人猜測。KD應該先做好自己,打出自己的高水平表現,再好好思考自己之後是去是留。

