前公牛隊成員曝:Jimmy Butler不滿隊中球星Derrick Rose的職業態度!

芝加哥公牛的球星Derrick Rose因早前於球隊訓練營中與隊友的踫撞導致左眼眼眶骨折,未能出席季前熱身賽。與此同時,前公牛隊成員又爆出Jimmy Butler對Derrick Rose的職業操守有所不滿的消息。

據Chicago Sun-Times記者Joe Cowley引述消息指,Jimmy Butler視Derrick Rose為朋友,但對他的工作態度卻不敢苟同。在Butler心中,Rose被視為球隊的代表人物,但這一個代表人物卻沒有在球隊訓練中付出全力,特別是在上賽季。Jimmy Butler認為這會影響到其他隊員,所以對此他非常不滿。
引用According to the source, Butler considers Rose a friend, but “doesn’t have a lot of respect for his work ethic.’’ In Butler’s mind, Rose was considered the face of the franchise, and if the face of the franchise wasn’t busting his butt in practice every day, especially last season, what was the message to the rest of the team?

相反,Butler本人的積極態度被受球隊新主教練Fred Hoiberg讚許,甚至更指僅26歲的他有著巔峰時期的Michael Jordan和Kevin Garnett般的進取動力。
引用New Bulls coach Fred Hoiberg is quoted in Cowley's report as praising Butler's work ethic, noting the 26-year-old has the same drive to be great that Hoiberg's former teammates, Kevin Garnett and Michael Jordan, had in their prime.

而公牛隊的管理層亦視Butler為球隊的超級球星和隊中其中一個領袖,因此今夏與他簽下5年9000萬的合同。相反Derrick Rose縱使有其天賦,但他的傷患自2011/12賽季已經困擾著他,今季季前訓練中又再次受傷,似乎他的運氣非常不濟。公牛隊的「一哥」是否將要改朝換代?

資料來源:Bleacher Report


標籤: Jimmy Butler  Derrick Rose