Doc Rivers:勇士奪冠靠運氣!Draymond Green輕鬆回應!

快艇主教練Doc Rivers日前接受ESPN的Zach Lowe訪問,大談對去季勇士隊奪冠全靠運氣,及快艇隊錯失3-1領先優勢反負於火箭的看法。

Doc Rivers說道,“在西區除了實力,你還需要運氣,看看金洲勇士隊,他們的奪冠之路不需要對上我們或馬刺隊。至於對我們球隊也上了一課:當有機會淘汰對手晉級時,必須好好把握這個機會。”
引用“You need luck in the West,” Rivers told Lowe for his Tuesday Clippers feature. “Look at Golden State. They didn’t have to play us or the Spurs. But that’s also a lesson for us: When you have a chance to close, you have to do it.”

對於勇士隊的球員來說,這些批評或不尊重的言論似乎已經見慣不怪。奪冠功臣之一的勇士隊大前鋒Draymond Green表示,“新賽季即將來到,我們會嘗試再打得更好,希望能夠成功衛冕。其他人的言論無法阻止,但如果我們只活在過去,我們就難以再奪得總冠軍。”
引用“It’s a new season. We’re trying to get better for this season and trying to win it again, instead of worrying about what somebody is saying about last season. That doesn’t matter. People can say what they want, but if we’re going to live in the past we won’t win it again. That’s not our focus.”

Draymond Green補充道,“我們贏得了總冠軍,而球隊將會在10月27日當天獲得屬於我們的總冠軍戒指,這是我最關心的事情。紀錄上永遠都證明我們是總冠軍,而任憑其他人怎說,他們都不能抹殺這個事實。他們可以高談闊論自己的意見,但他們無法打敗我們,所以一切都無關緊要。”
引用“We won a championship,” Green said. “That’s all I really care about. We’re getting our rings on Oct. 27, and that’s pretty much all that matters to me. The record book still says that we’re the champions. That’ll be there -- nobody can take that away. Anybody can talk. But they didn’t beat us, so it doesn’t matter.”

快艇與勇士隊的比賽一直都甚具火藥味,特別是一眾內線球員如Andrew Bogut、DeAndre Jordan、Blake Griifin等。而對於Doc Rivers言論,與其談論上賽季的季後賽,倒不如想辦法做好自己本份,帶領球隊打出西區第一種子的實力。

資料來源:NBC Bay Area


標籤: Doc Rivers  Draymond Green