Doc Rivers指球隊上季西區次輪未盡全力,火箭前鋒:感謝他們留力!

近日快艇隊的主教練Doc Rivers不時重提去季的如果......如果......甚至表示,“我們首輪對上馬刺時絕對是全情投入地作賽。但到了次輪面對火箭時,不知道是什麼原因,我們做不到。”
引用"San Antonio got our full attention," Doc Rivers told Lowe. "The Rockets, for whatever reason, didn’t."

火箭的替補前鋒Corey Brewer對此也發表了回應,“在籃球比賽裡你無時無刻都必須重視你的對手,快艇隊上下說他們上季西區次輪未有盡他們的全力,我慶幸他們未盡全力,使得我們可以拿下系列賽並晉身西區決賽。”
引用"In basketball you always you take your opponent seriously," Corey Brewer told me before the Rockets took on the Mavericks. "They say they didn't take it seriously. I'm happy they didn't, we were able to win the series and go to the western conference finals."

他的隊友Terrence Jones亦表示,“在拿下領先3-1的重要一場後,他們清楚知道自己需要做什麼,就是再嬴一仗終結系列賽。因此這不是他們需要做什麼的問題,而我們也只是更賣力地打,確保我們的球季不會就此結束。”
引用"They knew what they had to do when they got that third game, and that was to finish the series," Terrence Jones said. When asked if he thought the Clippers were on guard about the Rockets, he said "It wasn't off guard about what they needed to do. We came out and took care off business more to make sure our season didn't end."

事實上,火箭能戰勝快艇的原因,純粹是快艇有否盡全力?還是火箭確實是比較優勝的隊伍?火箭隊中有MVP票選次名的James Harden、中鋒有Dwight Howard、以及多達八、九人的輪替陣容。而上賽季的快艇除了核心的Blake Griffin、Chris Paul及DeAndre Jordan,加上替補的Jamal Crawford,其他位置都十分薄弱。

而且火箭隊上下的決心顯然勝過快艇隊,因此他們才可以在第六場的第四節轟下多達40分,將場數追成3-3的局面。相反快艇隊有三次機會可以終結該系列賽,但他們每一次也做不到。快艇隊與其再如果......如果......倒不如先思考一下球隊自己的不足。 .
資料來源:SB Nation
