快艇Chris Paul、Blake Griffin大談偶像Michael Jordan!

在洛杉磯快艇隊的季前熱身賽中,其中兩場他們將會來到中國對上夏洛特黃蜂隊,而兩位快艇隊球星Chris Paul及Blake Griffin亦會出席黃蜂隊老闆的品牌Jordan球鞋的宣傳活動。而他們坦言將把握機會向這位5屆常規賽MVP及6奪NBA總冠軍的傳奇球星偷師。

Blake Griffin表示,“Michael Jordan是一個你時刻都會仰望著的一個傳奇,而即使他退役了,他的光芒仍舊存在。相反有一些以前的球星,他們退役後轉為當評述員,你再仰望他們會感到當中好像失去了某種東西。但Michael Jordan是我永遠尊敬、永遠對他的成就百聽不厭的一個超級球星。”
引用"It's somebody you look up to," Griffin said Tuesday before the team left for China. "He's one of those guys that has that shine, I guess, that hasn't gone away. Some guy, you really look up to them and now they're commentating and you kind of lose that thing where you look up to them. But he's one of those guys that obviously I'll always respect, but you always try and hear stories."

對於快艇隊成立46年以來也未曾晉級西區決賽,如今有機會可以向Michael Jordan學習,相信快艇隊兩位球星都會非常的珍惜。而當Chris Paul童年時,他甚至想模仿Jordan穿著的球鞋,並且跟隨他的步伐到北卡羅萊納大學打球。Chris Paul說道,“Michael Jordan他是我童年的偶像,我十分慶幸有機會能夠與他對談。”
引用Said Paul: "He was my childhood idol, so luckily I get an opportunity to talk to him pretty often."

快艇隊將於深圳及上海兩個城市與黃蜂隊作賽,而談到球迷的熱情,Chris Paul表示,“如果你認為中國這裡的球迷喜歡我們,你更應該要看看他們對Michael Jordan有多麼的熱情。”
引用"If you think the fans over there like us, wait to see how they feel about MJ," Paul said.

資料來源:Los Angeles Times
