湖人隊放棄以Kobe Bryant作宣傳核心,以年輕球員隨而代之?

今早洛杉磯湖人隊在拉斯維加斯的季前熱身賽對上薩克拉門托國王隊以比分100-107不敵對手,而有傳媒發現在湖人下榻酒店的電子宣傳廣告牌上的球星只有Julius Randle、Jordan Clarkson及D'Angelo Russell,反而沒有球星Kobe Bryant的影蹤。

同樣的宣傳海報亦張貼在該酒店的大型室內支柱上及升降機內,並寫上「新一代」"The Next Generation" 的字眼。這令媒體非常關注洛杉磯湖人隊的官方是否已經放棄以Kobe Bryant作為宣傳核心,準備以後將由年輕球員隨而代之?
湖人隊官方承認該批宣傳物品是他們而非酒店預備的,但湖人隊發言人John Black亦有就上述事情澄清,“我們的確是對球隊中的年輕球員有非常高的期望,並且樂於在日後為他們作更多的宣傳,但我們絕對不是有貶低Kobe的意思。主要原因是當我們最終決定這個廣告時,我們仍未確定Kobe是否已經康復。而顯然他現在已經在康復過來,我們將以他為宣傳核心並祝賀他為球隊效力20個賽季。”
引用"Certainly we're very high on our young players, and interested in promoting them as the future of our team," Lakers spokesman John Black said Tuesday. "It should not be seen as a slight towards Kobe in any way. At the time we committed to this promotional campaign, we weren't sure he'd be back from his injury. Now that he's fully healthy, we'll be focusing on promoting him and celebrating his 20th season as a Laker."

37歲的Kobe Bryant在5場季前熱身賽均有上陣,而在今早對國王隊的比賽雖然提早離場,但事實上未有太大傷患,預計週六對上勇士的賽事可如期上陣。Kobe的合同將於今季過後完結,而直至現在他仍未決定今季之後是去是留。

至於對於「新一代」"The Next Generation"的宣傳,Jordan Clarkson表示感到驚訝。他表示,“我感到非常驚喜,這是我第一次出現在這些廣告上面,我覺得非常的酷。”
引用"First of all, I was surprised. I think that's my first time on something like that," Clarkson said. "I thought it was pretty cool."

資料來源:Los Angeles Times
