湖人隊有意簽下前雄鹿內線悍將Larry Sanders?

日前有消息指前NBA球員,曾效力密爾沃基雄鹿的中鋒Larry Sanders有意重返聯盟,加盟其中一支西區球隊。
引用You knew this was inevitable: A source tells me a Western Conference team has had internal talks about possibly signing Larry Sanders.

— Gery Woelfel (@GeryWoelfel) October 12, 2015

隨後據媒體DYSTNow消息指,該球隊極有可能是洛杉磯湖人隊。報道指,“聯盟中有消息指湖人隊有興趣招攬現正在德魯聯賽 (Drew League) 打球的Larry Sanders。主要原因是Sanders與湖人隊球員Nick Young於今年夏天在德魯聯賽中相當的親近,兩人甚至自稱“Swag兄弟”("the swag brothers”)。
引用A league source elaborated on their report saying that the Lakers, who were interested when Sanders announced he was playing in the Drew League, were still interested and were considering offering Sanders a contract.

Sanders bonded well with current Laker, Nick Young this off-season as the two were teammates in the Drew League. Sanders called the two, “the swag brothers

在離開NBA前,Larry Sanders是一位擁有出色保護籃框能力的中鋒,在2012/13賽季,他場均上陣27.3分鐘並貢獻9.8分、9.5籃板及2.8封阻,而他亦有50.6%的投射命中率,在上賽季的聯盟中位居首25%內。如果他真的加盟,他將可以出任Roy Hibbert的替補,強化替補內線的深度。

如今湖人隊現在的陣容名單上多達19位球員,在新球季開始前他們將要決定最終的名單,我們且看Larry Sander最終會否在名單之上。



標籤: Larry Sanders