Doc Rivers大改口風 :中國賽對球隊有很大的幫助!

猶記得快艇隊主教練Doc Rivers在出戰中國賽前,才言之鑿鑿的表示如果他可以選擇的話,他不會參加中國賽,甚至笑指整個旅程中他最期待的是回程的一刻。(詳情:快艇教練Doc Rivers坦言不想出戰中國賽:整個旅程最期待的是回程!) 然而在中國進行了兩場比賽過後,雖然球隊兩場賽事都不敵黃蜂,但Doc Rivers仍然這次的旅程都球隊有莫大的幫助。

Doc Rivers說道,“這次中國之旅對我們而言有很多好處。我們的球隊今夏增加了9位新球員,而球隊一起到深圳及上海作賽讓我們可以更團結。我們一起面對新的環境和事物,我們有更多的時間一起待在巴士上、一起吃飯,大家有更多的交流。”
引用“This trip here has been good for us,” Rivers said. “I think for our team, you know, we have nine new players. Starting out in Shenzhen and coming to Shanghai, I think this has been a good unity trip for us. We’re going to different things together, we’re on the bus more together, we’re going to dinner together.

引用“I said this in Shenzhen, I think if things go the way we want them to go and we’re the champions, hopefully, we’re going to look back on this trip to China and say this is one of the main reasons that allowed us to come together. So this has really been a good trip for us.”

而快艇隊的主將Chris Paul已經多次到過中國,但他表示初次得知球隊要到上海比賽仍然非常興奮。該快艇隊控衛說道,“我最近幾年的夏天都有到中國,而且如我說過的,這裡的球迷非常熱情。每次來到的感覺都分棒,去年夏天我的妻子和我一起前往中國,而這次也一樣,因此有些地方我也已經開始熟悉了。”
引用“I make it a point to come every summer, because like I said, the fans have always been so grateful here to me in China,” Paul said. “It’s always a lot of fun. I’m very familiar. My wife came with me last summer, she’s here with me again this time, so I know my way around a little bit now.”



標籤: Doc Rivers  Chris Paul