快艇後衛J.J. Redick談隊友DeAndre Jordan、Blake Griffin及老闆Steve Ballmer!

在2006年被奧蘭多魔術隊以首輪第11順位選中、2013年轉投到洛杉磯快艇、以中距離及外圍投射見稱的得分後衛J.J. Redick日前接受美國媒體SI.com的訪問,談及球隊在休賽期的轉會操作、隊友DeAndre Jordan和Blake Griffin、以及新老闆Steve Ballmer。

SI.com:當休賽期時DeAndre Jordan宣佈將離開球隊轉投達拉斯小牛,你給球隊的轉會操作評為"F"級,現在DeAndre Jordan已經回到球隊中,你對球隊在今夏的轉會操作評分如何?

J.J. Redick:我們雖然沒有太多的薪資空間,但我們仍可以與我們的最佳球員續約,還增加了Paul Pierce、Josh Smith、Lance Stephenson、Wes Johnson、Pablo Prigioni等球員,我們現在隊中有多達13人的輪換陣容,所以這肯定是"A"級。
引用Redick: "I mean, we had no cap space, and we re-signed our best player that was a free agent, and we picked up Paul Pierce, Josh Smith, traded for Lance [Stephenson], Wes Johnson, Pablo Prigioni. We have 13 rotation players, so it’s definitely an A."

SI.com:你認為Doc Rivers主教練做了什麼使得DeAndre Jordan有今天的地位和能力?

J.J. Redick:我認為Doc Rivers教練他一直循正確的方向鞭策他,並且對他的表現負責任,就好像他對每一個球員負責任一樣,而這使得DeAndre Jordan盡力做得最好。我相信一支好的球隊,隊中球員的長處可以幫助到其他的隊友,大家的表現可以相得益彰,就好像DeAndre Jordan在防守上對球隊有很大幫助,而Chris Paul和Blake Griffin亦在進攻上幫助了DeAndre Jordan和我。
引用Redick: "He’s pushed him in the right way and held him accountable, just like he holds all of his players accountable. That’s brought out the best in him. I think when you construct a roster, you want players to complement each other. I think as this core group of guys has moved forward, and I’ve joined that over the last couple of years, I think our strengths compliment each other, and I think [DeAndre] helps us a lot on the defensive end. Playing with Chris [Paul] and Blake [Griffin] is great for guys like [DeAndre] and myself."

SI.com:Blake Griffin在聯盟裡已經達到如此多的成就,而他現在才僅26歲,你認為他還有什麼地方可以再進步?

J.J. Redick:Blake Griifin他是一個非常獨特的球員,他有直接衝擊籃框的能力、可以中距離跳投、有出色的運球、能在被包夾下分球、組織快攻、並且能在騰空時閱讀球賽分析形勢。他似乎在每個球季的表現都有進步,所以他還有什麼可以改進?我也不知道。他是聯盟裡實力前5位的球員之一,至於他是否達到MVP級別?沒錯,相信他職業生涯中將可以嬴得MVP的榮譽,並且成為史上最偉大的大前鋒之一。
引用Redick: "He’s a very unique player, in terms of his ability to get to the rim, make midrange shots, handle the ball, pass out of double-teams, pass in transition and make reads on the fly. It seems like he’s taken a step forward in his game every year, so where he’s going to go? I have no idea. He’s a top-5 player, MVP level? Yeah, probably at some point in his career he’ll win an MVP and he’ll go down as one of the greatest power forwards ever. And if he wins, that certainly will happen."

SI.com:球隊的新老闆Steve Ballmer上任了一年,在他的球隊中效力感覺如何?

J.J. Redick:他非常的棒,他是一個很棒的人。我相信在10至15年後,他可以成為運動界中最出色的老闆之一。首先,他樂意聆聽球員的意見;而且,他會跳出框框的思考;除此之外,他對籃球運動非常的熱情,他關注並且熱愛球賽。我認為這些都使他成為一個很出色的老闆,而我認為他一直都將會這麼的出色。
引用Redick: "He’s great. He’s a great guy to be around. I would suspect 10-15 years from now he’ll be recognized as one of the best owners in sports. He wants feedback from players, that’s the first thing. The second thing, is I think he thinks outside the box. The third thing is that he’s passionate. He cares, and he loves the game. I think all those things make him a great owner, and I think he’ll be a great owner for a long time."

