LeBron James與克里夫蘭騎士的強韌三人組合!?

在克里夫蘭騎士隊中,當談論到在球場上的強硬和堅韌性,必定不能缺少他們的三位球員:J.R. Smith、Iman Shumpert、及Mo Williams。

如他們隊中的球星LeBron James所說,“J.R.、Shump、和Mo,他們都要保持他們一向的強韌,並且打出高水平的防守,這是我希望他們可以做到的。首先Mo他可以加快球隊進攻的節奏、串連起隊友、並且拿下空檔的跳投。至於J.R.,我們也希望他可以把握空檔的機會。而Shump的拚搏賣力亦是非常重要的,他在防守端表現十分的出色,因此他在進攻上的貢獻更是錦上添花。”
引用"J.R., Shump and Mo, they got to be tough," LeBron James said. "First of all they have to defend at a high level and that's what we want them to do. For Mo, we want him to push the tempo offensively, get guys involved and then knock down open shots. And for J.R., we want him to knock down open shots as well. For Shump, it's about grit and grind for sure. Whatever Shump gives you offensively, it's always extra credit because of what he gives you defensively...He's that good."


Mo Williams自己亦說道,“沒有任何人可以打爆我,也沒有任何人可以打爆我的隊友,這是我一直堅持的格言,而我感覺我的隊友也有同樣的堅持。”
引用"Nobody is going to punk me," Williams said. "Nobody's going to punk anybody who I stand with, so that's just a motto that I have and I feel like my teammates should have that same motto."

球迷和媒體都知道J.R. Smith在球場上的火爆及強硬,假如有人惹毛了他,他是必定會還擊的。正如他自己所言,“我討厭耍陰招什麼的,我上場就是一心想要打好我的球。你們不要嘗試乘機給我一肘,然後還裝作無辜的模樣,如果我要做這些我就會光明正大地讓所有人都知道地去做。”
引用"I just hate cheap shots," Smith said to NEOMG. "If we're going to play, we're going to play. But don't try to shoot me an elbow on the low and then when I get you back, you're looking at me like, 'What the hell happened?' Nah, don't do that. Because when I do it, it's going to be blatant and I'm going to let y'all know I did it.''

至於Iman Shumpert也不遑多讓,他曾經透過Twitter公開表達對球隊隨隊記者的不滿,又曾經表示,”我不會逃避任何的對抗,我來到NBA不是為了其他東西,我的到來就是為了奪得總冠軍,就是這麼簡單。”
引用"Any type of confrontation, I don't really run from it to have a clean-cut image," Shump tells NEOMG. "I'm not in this thing for a clean-cut image. I'm in it for a gold trophy. That's about it. I didn't come to the NBA for anything else."

雖然由於傷病的原因,新賽季前的熱身賽未能看到騎士隊的完整陣容,甚至預計要到一月左右才會見到LeBron James、Kevin Love及Kyrie Irving加上一眾替補上下在球場上合作。但JR Smith對此並不擔心,更為自己和Iman Shumpert及Mo Williams三人的強韌感到自信,他表示,“如果我們的對手真的懼怕我們,這樣我們在比賽開始前,心理狀態上已經先嬴一仗。在我看來,如果我們在心理上已經嬴了,我們要取得勝利也將易如反掌。”
引用"I mean, if people are already thinking that, then we have them psyched out before we play," Smith said. "That's my thing: If I can beat you before we even step on the court, then we won twice in my eyes."

