憶起一同征戰世錦賽Kevin Durant:Lamar Odom是最強心理素質的球員之一!

在2010年的夏天,年僅21歲的Kevin Durant就已經肩負著帶領美國男子籃球隊出戰世界籃球錦標賽 (FIBA World Championship) 的使命。當年亦是他首次挑戰季後賽,他帶領的奧克拉荷馬雷霆隊在西區首輪不敵最終的總冠軍洛杉磯湖人隊出局。

但在征戰世界籃球錦標賽時,可能基於大家有著類似的籃球天賦,和他最親近的他就是洛杉磯湖人隊的Lamar Odom。早前Lamar Odom在拉斯維加斯附近酒店昏迷後被送到醫院,他們當初的畫面湧現在Kevin Durant的腦海中。
提及Lamar Odom昏迷送院的事情,KD透過媒體"The Daily Oklahoman"說道,“這真的非常令人傷心,每當想起跟他一起的時光,我好幾天都無法入睡,而我對他的康復仍然非常有信心。雖然這是一個艱難的時刻,但在NBA這個大家庭中,大家都是兄弟般的緊密相連,我們會為他祈禱,祈求他一切安好。”
引用"It's so sad," Durant told The Daily Oklahoman. "I couldn't really sleep the last few days just thinking about him. I've still got faith everything will work out. It's a tough situation, but as brothers in the NBA we have to rally around him and send our prayers up and support him no matter what, and just pray everything goes well."

"From Day 1, he had just come off winning the title, and he walked into the gym as the most humble guy there," Durant said. "He took me under his wing as a little brother. I just tried to learn a lot from him professional-wise. As a person (he) has one of the biggest hearts I've ever been around."

而根據美國媒體報導,Lamar Odom的狀況已經比早前好轉了很多,甚至指未來幾天他將可以從重癥監護病房轉到普通病房,相信作為兄弟的Kevin Durant得知這個消息後也可以舒一口氣。



標籤: Kevin Durant  Lamar Odom