Dwight Howard訪問中談自己如何面對批評!並坦言自己後悔的一樣事情!

在早前作客薩克拉門托國王的比賽中,火箭隊的中鋒Dwight Howard未有換上球衣,只穿著西裝坐在替補席上。而附近一位國王隊的球迷就問他,“嘿!超人,為什麼你經常都受傷?” ("Hey Superman, why are you always hurt?") Howard看起來有點惱怒,但他仍然保持沉默。而日前作客洛杉磯快艇的時候,他又遇到類似的事情,又有球迷質疑他的能力。

談及自己近年經常面對的負面評論,Dwight Howard接受Yahoo! Sports訪問時表示,”我不會從負面的角度看待這些批評,我認為這些都是正面的。假如我以前沒有好好地打球,沒有像以往的表現,那麼甚至根本不會有人談論我。不管是讚美或批評,也不管別人怎麼談論或打擊我,我都是同一個人,而我亦不會改變自己。”
引用"I don't take it a negative way," Howard told Yahoo Sports. "I think it's all positive. If I wasn't doing anything right or wasn't playing basketball the way I was in the past, nobody would ever talk about me. Good, bad or indifferent I am going to remain the same person no matter how many times I get talked about or beat up or hit. I'm never going to change."

事實上,近年來媒體及大眾對Dwight Howard的談論普遍毀過於譽,他自己認為最主要的原因是部分球迷仍然不滿他在2012年離開奧蘭多魔術,以及在2013年離開洛杉磯湖人。

引用"Orlando people are upset that I left without them really knowing what was going on then," Howard said. "I had a situation in L.A. where people swore up and down that I went out there and played like crap, which is crazy. It just made me realize that I shouldn't focus on the negative stuff. There are always going to be people trying to pull you down or pull you away from what your purpose is. I realize now it's a lot bigger than basketball. I'm not going to allow no one or nobody to stop me from accomplishing what I want to accomplish on and off the floor."

除了Dwight Howard經常受批評外,他效力的休斯敦火箭隊今季亦是不被看好。儘管他們於上賽季的季後賽中打出好成績,並自1997年後再次晉級西區決賽,再加上Ty Lawson的加盟,但今個賽季大眾談論的西區熱門卻只有勇士、快艇、馬刺、雷霆等球隊。
而曾經在2009年挑戰總冠軍戰的Dwight Howard對此表示,“所有我曾經效力的球隊都永遠得不到任何的尊重。所以我都不再期望有人會看好我們,但我們會盡力地打出我們的實力和水平,而我認為我們的對手在賽場上都十分尊重我們。雖然我們不是人們口中談論可以取得勝利的球隊之一,但如去季他們說我們球隊不能夠取勝,結果我們打出了令人難以置信的成績。”
"Any team that I've been on has never got any respect," said Howard, who played in the 2009 NBA Finals with Orlando. "So we don't expect that, but we are going to go out there and play. We don't think the teams that we play disrespect us. I think they have a lot of respect on the floor. But we are not one of those teams that people can say can win, which is cool. Last year they said we couldn't win and we did unbelievable things."

Dwight Howard上賽季因傷只上陣了職業生涯以來最少的41場賽事,他坦言對過去有點後悔,“回看過去的日子,我在場外、在治療室的時候有很多可以做好的事,並且在我職業生涯初期好好保養自己的身體。我相信假如我當初做好這些東西,將有助今天的我。而現在我可以做的就是為季後賽養精蓄銳、做好準備。”
"Looking back on it, there was a lot of stuff I could've done off the court in the treatment room, making sure I ice and all that stuff earlier on in my career. It probably would've helped me out today. Now it's about building [myself] up to the playoffs."

根據統計,上賽季Dwight Howard的場均數據為15.8分、10.5籃板、1.3封阻、投射命中率為59.3%。而今季火箭隊的7場賽事中他上陣了其中4場,17.0分、12.3籃板、1.5封阻、投射命中率達63.6%,而他上一仗面對洛杉磯快艇更有「雙20」的表現,這些數據甚至可以與他個人生涯的巔峰相比。觀乎他的言論和新球季至今的表現,我們實在可以嘗試忘記近年大眾球迷對他的失望及批評,並再次期待他在禁區打出其統治力。

資料來源:Yahoo! Sports

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