最強公園籃球阿伯 Uncle Drew 載譽回歸 ─ 第四集預告片段先睹為快!

早在2012年,克里夫蘭騎士隊的控球後衛Kyrie Irving在Pepsi Max的宣傳廣告中化身成一為老伯,名叫Uncle Drew,並且與他的老朋友們 (分別由Kevin Love、Nate Robinson、及WNBA球員Maya Moore飾演) 在三集中到不同的街頭籃球場上大展「老而彌堅」的身手,又有傳奇球星Bill Russell客串。


至於Kyrie Irving的身體狀況,他早前接受ESPN訪問時表示,膝傷的康復情況良好。他表示,“現在彷彿就像已經看到隧道盡頭的光。至於復出的日期,我腦海裡亦有大約的計劃日子,但我不想於現在透露。至於其他人推測我一月左右復出,我也不作回應了。但在我而言,我希望每天都有好的進展,而我一直努力地康復中。”
引用"There's light at the end of the tunnel," Irving told ESPN.com before the Cavs hosted the New York Knicks in Wednesday's 96-86 victory. "In terms of a date, I do have one in my head, but obviously, I'm not going to share it for a little bit. I think all the rumors that everyone said in terms of [a] January [return] or whatever, I'll let them stay out there. But for me, I'm just trying to take it one day at a time, and I'm just continuing the process."

引用"The biggest thing now is just not trying to overdo it," said Irving, a three-time All-Star. "Just trying to maintain the same consistency and get back into game shape."

引用"This has been the biggest learning experience for me in terms of my body and being able to be ready to play," Irving said.

而在Kyrie Irving正式回歸球場前,以下先讓大家重溫一下Uncle Drew的第一至三集。

資料來源:Youtube Channel Pepsi Youtube Channel Novica Babic ESPN

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標籤: Uncle Drew  Kyrie Irving