火箭隊更衣室爆矛盾!眾球員不滿James Harden!主教練Kevin McHale成代罪羔羊?

上賽季打進西區決賽的休斯敦火箭隊今季陣容未有大變動,而球隊更簽下前金塊控球後衛Ty Lawson以分擔主將James Harden的工作。可惜火箭隊的表現不升反降,開季至今只得4勝7負的成績,主教練Kevin McHale亦因而被解雇。但根據多名當地記者報導,事實上問題的主因並不在於Kevin McHale,而是主將James Harden。

引用While players tried to keep details of the meeting private, two themes emerged, three people told USA TODAY Sports on condition of anonymity because of the sensitive nature of the situation. Harden’s play and aloofness have frustrated teammates, and McHale took the brunt of the blame for the team’s play. Practices were not resulting in improved play in games

除了在進攻上欠缺效率,James Harden在防守上亦未有貢獻,而在過去的賽季中,Harden的防守態度早已為人詬病,而似乎今季他又故態復萌。根據統計,當他在場上的時候,對手每一百回合的進攻效率會提高6.7分,而Harden防守的對方球員投射命中率亦會較個人平均值高3.7%,以上數據明顯地顯示出Harden在防守上所造成的漏洞。球隊現時的防守效率在聯盟裡只排名倒數第二,僅高於新奧爾良鵜鶘隊。
火箭隊希望透過解雇Kevin McHale,並任命J.B. Bickerstaff以盡快解決防守的問題。球隊總經理Daryl Morey表示,“J.B.與球員相處得非常融洽,並且執教時有著妥善的計劃,他已經有了成為主教練的準備。他的父親Bernie Bickerstaff亦曾經是主教練,而他在過去四年亦幫助了取得了不少的勝利。他協助球隊在上賽季成為聯盟中防守效率頭十位,而在Dwight Howard上陣時更甚至是聯盟前五。他的首要目標,必定是要重建球隊的防守,而我相信J.B.他絕對可以勝任”
引用J.B. is great with players, great with schemes, and he’s been preparing for this his whole life,” Rockets general manager Daryl Morey told USA TODAY Sports about Bickerstaff, who is the son of former NBA head coach Bernie Bickerstaff. “He obviously has a great pedigree, and was critical to our winning over the last four years with Kevin. He architected the defense last year that was top 10 overall and top five when Dwight (Howard) played. Job One, really, is we’ve got to shore up our defense, and I believe J.B. can do it.”

除了防守不力的問題外,假如火箭隊球員之間真的存在矛盾,相信新任主教練J.B. Bickerstaff更需要盡快為球隊帶來勝利,以避免問題繼續惡化。


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