勇士擊敗金塊平開季15連勝記錄!金塊主教練看好Stephen Curry蟬聯MVP!


勇士隊一眾球員今仗表現平均出色,全隊投射命中率達52.8%,三分球命中率高達51.7%,五位球員得分達雙位數字。主將Stephen Curry貢獻19分、4籃板、7助攻,得分最高的是Klay Thompson,他交出21分及7助攻,Harrison Barnes、Draymond Green、及Andre Iguodala分別拿下17分、13分、和12分。

而在勇士與金塊的比賽開始前,金塊的主教練Michael Malone在接受訪問時亦表示看好Stephen Curry將可以蟬聯本賽季的常規賽MVP。他表示,“對我來說這一點都不驚訝,因為Steph這位年輕球員,他為了提升自己投入了很多的努力,就好像過去的Magic Johnson和Larry Bird這些前輩,他們總會不斷提升自己,總想令自己打得更全面。 ”
引用“It’s not surprising at all, because of the kind of young man that Steph is and his dedication to the game,” Malone said before Sunday’s game between the Nuggets and Warriors. “You go back a long time ago to Magic Johnson and Larry Bird, and they always came back as improved players. They always added something to their games.

這位曾在2011年至2013年擔任勇士首席助教的教練補充道,“我想可能很多人都沒​​想到Stephen他在上賽季奪冠後,還能打得更好更進步。事實上,不管是控球、投籃、傳球還是防守,他都有明顯的進步,這充分證明了他的努力,而他亦正朝著第二個MVP榮譽順利地邁進。 ”
引用“I think with Steph, we probably didn’t think he could come back improved, but I think he has: his ball-handling, his shooting, his passing and his defense. That’s a huge credit to him, and he’s well on his way to earning his second MVP.”

聯盟裡上一位成功蟬聯常規賽MVP的球星是LeBron James,而​​在NBA歷史上能夠連奪MVP的球星亦為數不多。假如Curry本賽季仍拿到MVP,無疑將會讓他的歷史地位有非常大的提升。

Michael Malone亦認為Curry的投籃能力和技術屬歷史罕見,在被問及Stephen Curry能否成為NBA史上最偉大射手時,他毫不猶豫地回答:“儘管聯盟裡有一些很擅長接球投籃的球員,也有些球員很擅長外圍跳投,但像Curry這樣控球技術高​​超,並且能用各種方式把球投進的實在太罕見,他在外線的出手令人印象深刻。”
引用“I’d be hard pressed to find somebody who’s better than him, especially off the bounce,” Malone said. “There are some great catch-and-shooter players, guys who can really knockdown shots, but rarely have you seen a guy who has the kind of ball-handling skills that he has and who hits as many dribble pull-up, behind-the-back, cross-over threes. That’s really impressive how he gets his threes.”

Michael Malone亦認為,現在的Curry非常難以防守,“開季至今已經有14支球隊嘗試了,但當中沒有多少球隊能夠成功。Curry現在打得非常有信心,而勇士隊的內線球員又經常以擋拆為他製造投籃空間,只要他過了半場,就已經是對防守球員的威脅。很多人說應該要給予他壓力,逼使他切入和突破,但事實上他有能力突破得分,而他的角色已絕對不止於一個進攻組織者。”
引用“Well, he’s seen 14 teams try, and a few teams have gotten close,” Malone said. “… But he plays with such confidence, their big set great screens to get him open and he is a threat once he crosses half court. People say, ‘Press up and make him drive,’ but he can get to the cup and finish, and he’s more than a capable playmaker.”


資料來源:Youtube Channel NBAHighlightsDaily SFGATE

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