「The Dream」Olajuwon:勇士小球陣容並不是新鮮事!但統治級內線威力仍歷久不衰!

在昨天金州勇士隊以比分111比77大勝洛杉磯湖人後,他們正式以開季16連勝的成績,超越1993/94賽季的休斯敦火箭隊,打破了NBA歷史開季連勝紀錄。而相信勇士隊上下目標絕不止於打破這項紀錄,更重要的目標是能夠如1993/94的火箭隊般衛冕NBA總冠軍。日前,前火箭隊的領軍人物「The Dream」Hakeem Olajuwon接受foxsports訪問,他直言對勇士隊的實力絕不感到驚訝。

Hakeem Olajuwon說道,“當我看到他們的比賽時,可以看見他們完全是一個整體,各球員都為了出手的機會付出了很多努力,他們打的是團隊籃球,而天空才是他們的極限。當你達到那個水平時,你就會開始想,我該如何保持住現在的實力?如何停留在現在的水平?這個才是真正的挑戰。即使上賽季你贏得了總冠軍,但現在你又能否成功衛冕呢?”
引用"When I watch the games and I see how hard they work to get their shots off as a unit --€ ”they're playing team basketball. The sky is the limit. Once you get up there and you realize it, you start to think, how can I maintain? How do you stay up there? That's the real challenge," Olajuwon told FOX Sports. "You won the championship. OK, but can you defend it now?"


引用"You have to understand small ball has always been popular, but any time you have a dominant big man, it causes so much trouble on that end, meaning lots of double-teams," Olajuwon said of the best way to counter Golden State's schemes. "When you double-team, that leaves opportunities for wide-open shots or three-point shooters."

他繼續道,“勇士隊打小球陣容不是什麼新鮮事,看看當年Don Nelson執教的勇士三巨頭,當時的Mitch Richmond、Tim Hardaway和Chris Mullin也是打小球。但到了季後賽我們以大量的低位背打進攻,即使他們在常規賽贏了很多場比賽,但到了季後賽他們就被我們擊敗,那就是小球陣容的問題所在。”
引用"The small ball is nothing new," Olajuwon continued. "How about Don Nelson with his big three? It was (Mitch) Richmond, (Tim) Hardaway and Chris Mullin. That's how they played. ... They played small ball. But in the playoffs, we'd run and set up and post up even back then. They won a lot of games. But when it came to the playoffs, they got killed. That was the problem with small ball."
對於當年的火箭與今天的勇士隊交手將誰勝誰負,Olajuwon並不想預測。但他直言勇士隊小球陣容的中鋒Draymond Green將難以防守自己,他表示,“如果一個身高只有6尺7寸的球員防守我,我可以整晚都用上籃得分去擊潰他。因為他太矮了,而且身型亦不夠,所以如果交手他們可以怎麼防我?用2個甚至3個人夾擊我?那我可以把球傳出去讓隊友投三分。”
引用"If a 6'7" guy is guarding me, I'm going to get a layup all day," Olajuwon said. "He's too small. He doesn't have the size. So, now what do they do? Guard with two or three guys, double-team. Then you swing it around to shoot threes."

而且,「The Dream」Hakeem Olajuwon亦不認同現今中鋒向外線發展的方向。他表示,假如他身於這世代,他不會成為一個投射型中鋒。「The Dream」解釋道,“你必須要利用內線才能夠勝出比賽,球迷都說現今的低位進攻已沒有效,我認為說這些話的人根本完全不認識籃球,因為你可以依靠一個統治級的內線稱霸禁區。”
引用Olajuwon protested in response to the prospect of playing differently if he were in his prime nowadays. "You've got to use the inside game and win the battle. People who are saying the post game is dead don't know anything about basketball because you can always have that guy to dominate the post."


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標籤: Hakeem Olajuwon