Stephen Curry是NBA的Lionel Messi?Curry:我們倆都有著創造性的球風!

早前,上賽季的MVP金州勇士控衛Stephen Curry被問到一個有趣問題,“Stephen Curry是NBA的Lionel Messi?還是這位巴塞隆納的阿根廷球星是足球界的Curry?” 勇士隊球星笑言,“我不知道,這是有如先有雞還是先有雞蛋的問題。” 但他表示自己也是Messi的忠實球迷之一。

對於兩人的相似之處,Stephen Curry表示,“我們兩人都有著創造性的球風,在籃球場或足球場上有著一種難以形容的感覺。我會在比賽中嘗試以我的雙手做出一些花巧眩目的動作,做一些crossover過人的動作;就好像Messi在球賽中的出色控球般。”
引用"We both have a creative style, a feel when you are out on the pitch or the court. I'm trying to do some fancy things out there with both hands, making crossover moves and having a certain flair to my game and that's definitely the style Messi has when he is out there in his matches."

引用"I love watching him play, I'm a big fan and he's the guy you watch play because you never know what he is going to do at any particular moment," Curry said. "When he is on TV everyone is glued in because he can get the touch of the ball and something special can happen. You have to appreciate that kind of talent."

除了NBA總冠軍以及足球外,相信對Stephen Curry而言,另一樣最重要的事情就是2016年的巴西奧運。而他亦表示即使自己在NBA每季連同季後賽征戰接近100場的賽事,他仍然非常渴望能夠代表美國男子籃球隊出戰2016年的巴西奧運。

引用"I'm definitely excited to be part of the Olympic team," Curry said. "One, it would be a dream to come to Rio and play at the Olympics and, two, I went to Rio with my family when I was 18, we spent a week down there and had a great time. To go back and represent my country, play with all the other great NBA talent that's going to make up the Team USA roster will be special.
引用"Our NBA season is pretty long and hopefully we are in the finals and celebrating another championship then have three weeks to refresh and get ready for Rio."

按照目前預測,預料Stephen Curry將幾乎肯定會是出戰巴西奧運的其中一員,而他的隊友Klay Thompson、Andre Igoudala、及Draymond Green均有機會入選到最後名單之中。

資料來源:The Sydney Morning Herald

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標籤: Stephen Curry  Lionel Messi