Kobe Bryant點名最難纏的對手│他比Bruce Bowen、Raja Bell等更難應付!

近日,Kobe Bryant接受了TNT電視台的專訪,談及他早前的退役決定,又回顧了他20年職業生涯中遇到的人和事。

在談到最難纏的防守球員時,Kobe提及了Bruce Bowen、Raja Bell、Ruben Patterson這些球員的名字,但他直言在一對一的交手中,給他製造最多麻煩的必定是Tony Allen。Kobe Bryant表示,“Tony Allen他專門負責一對一防守,他從來不會在防守上讓我輕鬆的擺脫,他的工作就是整場賽事都阻擋在我的面前、不停地緊纏著我。”
"The player I always had the most trouble with individually was Tony Allen. Always." Bryant said, before citing Bruce Bowen, Raja Bell, and Ruben Patterson as other players who gave him trouble. "Tony Allen he played one on one defense. He never funneled me anywhere. His job was just to stay in front of me and just hound me the entire game, and he did."

Tony Allen在2004年的NBA選秀中以首輪第25順位被波士頓塞爾蒂克選中,2010年轉投孟菲斯灰熊隊並效力至今。在效力塞爾蒂克時曾與Kobe Bryant在總冠軍戰中交手,轉到同在西區的灰熊隊後,每個賽季的交手機會亦更多。

事實上,這亦不是Kobe首次表揚這位對手,他在2014年11月接受L.A. Daily News的時候亦提及自己與Tony Allen多次交手後感受。他當時就表示,“我知道如何進攻而他亦了解如何防守我,這純粹比併我們兩人中,誰能夠有更穩定的表現。可能有幾個回合他防守上佔優,亦有幾個回合我在進攻上壓倒他,和他交手是非常有意思的決鬥。”
引用"I know what to do and he knows how to guard me," Bryant said. "It's just a matter of who can get the better of who consistently. There will be possessions where he does a phenomenal job. There will be possessions where I abuse him. It's a fun battle to see."

而且,Kobe當時亦非常欣賞Tony Allen的防守技巧及態度。他表示,“他在防守上的技巧十分出色,而且他比任何人都更拚盡全力。他渴望單打獨鬥地去防守對方,這和一般的球員截然不同。我面對過的很多防守球員都希望有隊友的協助和支援,但我從未見過他叫隊友幫忙,他就是這麼喜歡接受挑戰。”
引用"He's fundamentally sound defensively and he plays harder than everybody else defensively," Bryant said. "He has a competitive desire to compete individually. That's very uncommon. Most defensive players I face want help all the time. I've never heard him ask for help. He likes taking the challenge."

同樣地,Tony Allen在2014/15賽季的季前賽期間,亦曾表達了對Kobe的欣賞。Tony Allen說道,“他非常的全能,在球場上他無所不能,每次交手他都展示出他是一位非常堅毅的球員,我非常尊重他這種優點。”
引用"He does everything. There's nothing he can't do,"the man known as "the Grindfather" told Medina. "It just shows you he's a tough-minded guy. You have to respect that."

雖然兩位球員都已經不復年輕,而且Kobe Bryant亦宣佈今季後將會退役。而假如兩人身體保持健康狀態,今季還有4次的交手機會。於本月27日,洛杉磯湖人將會作客孟菲斯灰熊,屆時這對老對手又將有機會於今季首次交手。
最後附上Tony Allen這位一對一防守專家的精彩片段!

資料來源:SB NATION Youtube Channel Evin Gualberto

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