Chris Bosh:Kobe是我們這個時代最偉大的球星│憶述「黑曼巴」81分之夜!

根據美國媒體NBC報導,前多倫多暴龍隊、現為邁阿密熱火隊球星的Chris Bosh日前接受了"Dan - telephone interview Pa Terry g Show "節目的電話訪問,他在訪問中稱讚今季後將退役的Kobe Bryant是這個時代最偉大的球星,並且談及自己當年親眼見證Kobe砍下81分的經歷。

熱火隊的另一位球星Dwyane Wade之前在接受訪問中稱讚Kobe Bryant是「我們這個時代最偉大的球員」("our era's greatest players"),而Chris Bosh亦認同隊友Wade對他的尊重。Chris Bosh說道,“他是我們這個時代最偉大的球星。他是繼Michael Jordan後最偉大的球員,而他亦嬴得了多次的NBA總冠軍,他更是在非常年輕的時候就已經有如此成就。當他與洛杉磯湖人隊奪得三連冠時,他才只21、22歲。雖然他亦曾面對困境,但他依然是偉大的球星,亦絕對是我所見過的最偉大球星之一。”
引用He’s the greatest player of my generation. He was that guy after Mike that really just won, and he was about winning championships. And he really did it a young age. When they three-peated, he was 21, 22 years old. It was just amazing to see him climb up so high, so fast. They did have their struggles, but he was still a great player – one of the greatest I’ve ever seen, of course.

雖然Chris Bosh於2003年才加入NBA,而且先後效力的暴龍及熱火皆為東區的球隊,因此他與Kobe Bryant的交手機會不多,但他卻見證了Kobe Bryant職業生涯中最瘋狂的一場比賽。Kobe Bryant於2006年1月22日主場對上多倫多暴龍的比賽中,砍下個人職業生涯最高的81分,超越Elgin Baylor的單場71分紀錄,僅次於Wilt Chamberlain在1962年所創下的單場100分紀錄。

Chris Bosh憶述那難忘的晚上,“人們經常都取笑我,‘Kobe得81分的那場比賽你也親身經歷了..’當時我們都不知道怎麼去防守他,也沒有人阻擋得到他。但我至少可以說一句,我不是負責防守他的球員。”
引用That game I was present ah people always joke I said, Oh, you experienced that game....Yes, at that time we did not know how to defend him, and no one can prevent me he maintained say the least, he is not my defense.."

被問及當時的感受,Chris Bosh表示,“我們球隊完全阻止不了他,我們只能看著他不停的投籃。我只記得當時我們半場休息時仍然以大比分領先對手,我們都相信這場勝仗將手到拿來。我們都知道Kobe在上半場拿下26分,但誰會想到他居然可以在下半場再砍下55分!無論我們怎麼防守,他都可以得分,而當時的球迷也越來越瘋狂,歡呼聲也越來越大。當我重新回到場上,再看記分牌上的統計時,Kobe的得分已經突破60分了。”
引用Bosh said:"We can not keep him completely, only to see his shot I do not remember other things too just remember at half time, we also a big lead, we believe that they can win the game. We all know that the first half, Kobe Bryant scored 26 points, who would have thought he actually scored 55 points in the second half? He can hit any shot, no matter how we defend. And then the fans are becoming more and more crazy, scream louder and louder. I noticed statistical score on the scoreboard. When I returned to the court, his score has exceeded 60 points.

的確,在2006年1月22日的晚上,多倫多暴龍隊在上半場以比分63-49領先主場的洛杉磯湖人隊,Kobe Bryant上半場拿下26分,這半場得分對該幾季獨擔大旗的他而言非常平常。但Kobe在下半場再攻下55分再湖人反勝,而暴龍隊的一眾球員亦不幸地成為了這個經典81分之夜的背景板。

資料來源:NBCSPORTS Sunning View Youtube Channel NBA

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標籤: Kobe Bryant  Chris Bosh