溜馬傳奇射手Reggie Miller:巔峰時期的我可以打敗Stephen Curry!

印第安納溜馬的前傳奇射手Reggie Miller,早前觀看了Stephen Curry帶領的金州勇士作客溜馬的賽事。而勇士隊在上半場砍下79分下,順利擊敗主隊,延續開季不敗記錄。

Stephen Curry本賽季的表現非常亮眼,即使在三分線外依然手感十足,並且經常展現其遠程三分火力。作為傳奇射手之一的Reggie Miller,無可避免地成為媒體及球迷間的比較對象之一。
Reggie Miller接受訪問時表示,“雖然Stephen Curry他的未來仍然有很多的篇章,但他現在顯然已經是在NBA史上的五大最佳射手之列,而Steph從上賽季至今的精彩表現使他擊敗了不少優秀的對手。但我們不能就此直言Steph比Larry Bird、或他的教練Steve Kerr出色,因為他們都保持了長時間而穩定的表現。而就近期的表現來看,Steph無疑是一位出色的射手,而他更持續一直地進步。假如他在未來打破自己的單賽季三分球投進數紀錄,他甚至將可以爭逐NBA史上最佳射手的稱號。”
引用"He still has a lot of chapters to write, but, right now, you could certainly consider him among the top five shooters of all time. The streak that Steph has been on since last season rivals the greats of the game. It's hard to say he's better than Larry Bird or he's better than Steve Kerr, his coach, because those guys did it for much longer. But for this short a period he's in that group. And he keeps improving. If he can beat his own record for most threes in a season, then you've got to consider him one of the best ever."

Reggie Miller繼續道,“所有真正的偉大射手,好比Dale Ellis、Larry Bird、Craig Hodges、以及Chris Mullin等,我們永遠都認為自己會是世界上最出色的射手。因此,我亦認為巔峰時期的自己可以打敗Steph。雖然我的投籃動作和姿勢沒有他的好看,但最重要的是結果。”
引用"All truly great shooters—Dale Ellis, Larry Bird, Craig Hodges, Chris Mullin—we always believed that we were the best shooters in the world," said Miller. "So, yeah, I'd take down Steph at my peak. Sure, my form wasn't as good as his. But it's all about results, man"

勇士開季至今戰績23勝0負,而作為球隊主力的Stephen Curry平均投射命中率達52.9%,場均三分球出手11.2次,三分球命中率為46.3%,場均可以為勇士隊攻下32.2分。

至於為溜馬隊效力18個賽季的Reggie Miller,他職業生涯場均得到18.2分、3.0籃板、3.0助攻,平均投射命中率為47.1%,而三分球命中率則為39.5%。

資料來源:bleacher report

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標籤: Reggie Miller  Stephen Curry