
據外國傳媒報導,鵜鶘新教練Alvin Gentry表示,在NBA每一個時代都總會出現「劃時代球員」,像Michael Jordan、Magic Johnson、Larry Bird、Tim Duncan、Kobe Bryant、O'neal、LeBron James等等,而最新的「劃時代球員」則將會是Anthony Davis。


要知道Davis只是在NBA征戰了三個球季而已,但他上季已成為NBA最出色的5位球員之一。上季Davis的PER效率值達到30.8,是NBA史上第11高的效率值,史上比他高的人就只有Michael Jordan、LeBron James以及Wilt Chamberlain而已,小編相信Davis在未來必會成為NBA第一人,並統治NBA一段時間。

引用“It is up to us to make him as good as he can possibly be, and not settle for him to be less than great in this area or that area. I told him that I have no doubt that he is going to be an MVP in this league. And I said to him, ‘We are going to be really, really good if you also win Defensive Player of the Year….’

“It’s like I said to him: As great as he is right now, I see his game expanding in so many areas,” says Gentry of Davis. “And the thing I like about it is he is still willing to learn. I sent Darren Erman, who is my associate head coach and defensive coordinator, to work with him, and he showed him a couple of little things from last year that he had to improve on. And every day Anthony has been working on them. Every single day. Guys usually don’t work on defensive things when you are having a workout, but he has been great at it.
“He is just a special player, and we can’t set limits on him. We have to try to take him to a level that he didn’t feel he could get to — or that no one thought he could get to. We have got to make the sky the limit for him.”


消息來源: http://probasketballtalk.nbcsports.com/

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