Ricky Rubio自信不會被木狼交易,新球季目標是進入季後賽

今個夏天,有消息指Ricky Rubio可能會被交易,其中像紐約人以及籃網對他有著非常大的興趣。而日前Rubio在杜拜現身,並出席了訓練營活動,期間他接受訪問時表示自己有信心可以留在木狼不被交易。

引用I have confidence that the team wants me but you know in this league anybody can get traded.You don’t listen to the rumours. You just live day-by-day and that’s it.

雖然木狼的戰績持續令人失望,不過如今他們的陣容已經變得極具天賦,他們坐擁連續三年的新秀狀元: Anthony Bennett、Andrew Wiggins以及Karl-Anthony Towns,相信不消幾年球隊的實力一定會大大加強。

引用They have a lot of talent, I have a little bit more experience than them that I can share. I really can teach them what I learned. They have a great future and I can help them achieve their goals
引用I like to have athletic players next to me, the way I play. It suits my game.

另外,Rubio又表示Wiggins可以達到自己心目中的理想模樣。他有非常高的天賦。上季Wiggins能夠這樣適應NBA令他感到非常驚訝。他對於NBA這個大舞台沒有任何懼怕,即使是面對LeBron James或其他巨星。在Wiggins身上有非常多的得分方法,其他球員根本難以阻止他。即使你能夠阻止他其中一種得分方法,他還是可以用其他方法擊潰你。
引用[Wiggins] can be as good as he wants. He has a lot of talent. What surprised me about last season is the quickness of how he adapted to the league. He was fearless about the big stage, to play against LeBron James and the bigger names. There are a lot of ways he can score. It is hard to stop him. If you stop one of the ways he scores, he can score in other ways.

雖然球隊擁有很多年輕具天賦的球員,不過相反來說他們是欠缺NBA經驗的,對此Rubio表示球隊慶幸簽下了不少老將,像Kevin Garnett、Andre Miller以及Tayshaun Prince,他們都可以為球隊帶來幫助。
引用We can be as good as we want to work for, Training camp will be the key for us because we have to adapt to this league really quickly with this young talent. Luckily, we have signed a lot of veterans like Kevin Garnett, Andre Miller, Tayshaun Prince, who can really help this team.
引用My goal is to bring this team to the play-offs. It has been my dream for four years. In my first year, I almost did it, but then I got hurt and everybody got hurt too so we couldn’t do it.

引用It’s too early to talk because we haven’t been through training camp yet. The Western Conference is really tough, but we want to dream big.”


消息來源: http://gulfnews.com/

