前美國總統Donald Trump諷刺LeBron James在女子籃球中抱團!

前美國總統Donald Trump一向敢言,而且一直抓住一切機會大肆抨擊LeBron James,在昨日亞利桑那州的一次演講中,更直接諷刺LeBron James如何在女子籃球中抱團!


Donald Trump表示:「我會說實話,我們都喜歡贏。如果我是一名教練,我會告訴你,我不會和太多女性互相交談,因為我們知道女性是如何。我會讓其他人知道,她們就是女性。有人說如果LeBron James決定接受變性手術,他會怎麼樣?他會如何出現在球場上?順便一提,LeBron James?你可以擁有他。你有沒有看到當中籃球的收視,這很糟糕,但在他的球隊被擊敗後,他們的收視就會上升。」言行間諷刺LeBron James在習慣在輸球後就會組團,吸引更多球迷,就算不是在男子籃球,如果變性後轉到女子籃球後會出現同樣情況,直言女子籃球在輸球後都會自己更加努力,相反LeBron James只會抱團。
引用“I’ll be honest,” Trump said. “We all like to win. If I were a coach, I’ll tell you, I wouldn’t be talking to too many women, as we know women. I’d be getting some of these people that, they’re women. Somebody said that if LeBron James ever decided to get the operation, how would he be? How would he be on the court? By the way, LeBron James? You can have him. Did you see the basketball ratings, which were terrible, but they went up after his team was defeated.”

Donald Trump與LeBron James一直隔空針鋒相對,前者無論是否在擔任總統期間,在不同領域的想法及方向不同,令到二人互有批評,甚至互相攻擊及諷刺對方。在卸下總統之位後,曝光率減少之下,仍然在不同公開場合演講,更說過會為總統之位捲土重來,看來這位75歲的富商仍然雄心壯志。

不知道LeBron James會怎回應今次的諷刺呢?



標籤: NBA  Donald Trump  LeBron James