湖人主將Anthony Davis回應與騎士新秀Evan Mobley的比較「可能比我更好一些,不過我不會比較。」

昨日洛杉磯湖人輕鬆以113-101擊敗克利夫蘭騎士,騎士新秀Evan Mobley打出的接現令人留下印象深刻,賽後不少球迷把湖人主將Anthony Davis與他作比較,後者亦對這位新秀十分讚賞。
Anthony Davis表示:「老實說,這是我第一次看到他打球。他可能和我剛進入聯盟時一樣,都是身型較瘦的封阻好手,或是其他方面都有點像,甚至乎可能比我更好一些。他在比賽中將會進步,他會越來越好。你看到了他成為得分手的潛力,我看到他投了三分球而且投進了一個,還投中了中距離和拋投。我也看過他發佈的比賽片段,他有潛力成為非常好的球員,但這需要時間。不過我真的不會把自己和任何人比較。」
引用“This is my first time seeing him play, to be honest,” Davis said. “He’s probably the same size I was coming into the league. Pretty skinny. Elite shot-blocker. Lob threat. Kind of has some of the same things I had when I was coming into the league. But probably shot it a little bit better than me. His game is going to progress. He’s going to keep getting better and better. You see the potential to be a three-level scorer, watching film on him a little before the game. I seen him shoot the 3. He hit one tonight. I seen him hit the midrange and floaters. He’d go to the post a lot in the game I’ve watched. He has the potential to be very good. It takes time. But I don’t really compare myself to anybody.”

能夠得到這位聯盟前十的球星讚揚,可見他的前途是無可限量,難怪被前NBA執行官視為Chris Bosh 2.0(Chris Bosh 2.0出現?騎士新秀探花Evan Mobley被看好視為接班人!https://s.fanpiece.com/XpXY72b)。在騎士的6場比賽中,他場均得到15.3分、8.2個籃板、2.3次助攻、1.7次封阻和1.3次抄截,攻守都有他的身影,特別是在禁區內,加上攞有三分能力,更符合現在籃球世代的打法。



標籤: NBA  Anthony Davis  Evan Mobley