克利夫蘭騎士進步原因?中鋒Jarrett Allen大讚全靠Darius Garland成為「場上教練」!

克利夫蘭騎士在開季前不被人看好,甚至認為再度成為爐主,但在首十仗已經獲得六場勝仗,令不少球迷及球評家大跌眼鏡,當中進步原因全靠Darius Garland成為「場上教練」!

騎士中鋒Jarrett Allen表示:「Darius Garland讓我們保持冷靜直到比賽最後,你可以有時看到我們變得心慌意亂,有時在一些艱難的情況下投籃,有時防守沒有達到應有的水平,他讓我們團結在一起並告訴我們如何在比賽中發揮。他指揮我們在正確的位置,讓我們得到出手機會,他領導這個團隊,他是場上的教練!」今季曾擊敗鷹隊﹑金塊﹑快艇﹑拓荒者等季後賽的實力分子,可見他們不再是任人魚肉的等待樂透球隊,近年收集回來的數位新人,終於要帶領騎士走出重建期了嗎?
引用“He kept us composed,” Allen said. “Towards the end, you could see that we were getting flustered, they were hitting some tough shots, our defense wasn’t where it needed to be and he got us all grouped together and told us that we need to be on our game. Got us in the right spots, got us our shots that we needed. Leading this team. He was the coach on the floor.




標籤: NBA  Jarrett Allen  Darius Garland