前籃網扣將Richard Jefferson認為不能把Anthony Davis與字母哥相提並論,是對後者的不尊重!

曾效力多支NBA球隊的前球員﹑現任NBA分析師Richard Jefferson日前在訪問節目中認為,把Anthony Davis與字母哥Giannis Antetokounmpo相提並論,是對後者的不尊重!

AD和字母哥都是隊內核心及全明星球員,AD只曾收獲一座總冠軍,相反字母哥暫時收獲了兩座個人年度MVP獎項﹑一座FMVP及一座總冠軍,只比較總冠軍的路程上,前者身邊有LeBron James作為領袖﹑後者則有Khris Middleton在字母哥受傷時挺身而出,冠軍含金量可說不相借仲,但湖人中鋒在個人榮譽上稍稍輸蝕少許了。

Richard Jefferson表示:「我們討論了很多次到底Anthony Davis是聯盟前五球員還是前五名天才球員,也是NBA史上的75大球星,但將他與字母哥相提並論是不公平的,對後者的不尊重。雖然他們有著相似的體型和相似的球技,但卻是兩個不同的人。如果要說的話,我會說AD比字母哥更有天賦,他可以達到80%的罰球命中率,在30歲後仍然可以投中三分球,但字母哥做不到。但你知道字母哥做了甚麼嗎?他有一顆爭鬥心!他身上的爭鬥心是我們從很多球員身上都沒有看到的,所以在這個時候,比較這兩名球員是不公平的。」

引用“We’ve had so much conversation about Anthony Davis being a top five player or a top five talent…top 75 ever,” Jefferson said. “I’m going to say this: It is unfair to Anthony Davis to compare him to Giannis. And it is disrespectful to Giannis to compare him to Anthony Davis.

“They are two different individuals with similar body styles, similar skill sets. If anything I would say that Anthony Davis is more talented than Giannis. He can shoot free throws at an 80 percent clip. He can knock down 3-pointers in the mid 30s. Giannis can do none of those things.

“But you know what Giannis does? Giannis has a dog in him. He has a dog in him that we have not seen from very many players on that side. So, at this point and time, it is just unfair to compare those two players.”


