Stephen Curry大讚騎士新星!下一位全明星球員指日可待!

日前克利夫蘭騎士輸給狀態大勇的金州勇士,但騎士新星Darius Garland交出好表現,更令對位的勇士當家Stephen Curry大讚對他留下深刻印象!

Stephen Curry在賽後表示:「我清晰地告訴他如何做得更好。以他的速度和控球能力,你必須兩者運用,這會為他提供了更多的(進攻)機會而且他運用得很好。他打得很好,我知道Collin Sexton缺陣,令他有更多的機會,他正在展示他的能力成為充滿個人特色的後衛,他令人印象深刻。去年我談到他是一個非常令人印象深刻的人,總括來說他的頭幾個年頭,正朝著正確的方向又踏出了一步。」

引用“I told him it’s clear he’s gotten better,” Curry said. “With his speed and his ball-handling, you have to respect both, which opens up a lot more opportunities for him, and he played well. He’s been playing well, and I know with [Collin] Sexton out, he has a lot more opportunity, and he’s showing what he’s capable of as the featured guard. … It’s impressive. I talked about him last year as a guy that’s really impressive just in general his first couple years, and he’s taken another step in that right direction.”

騎士今季獲得極大進步的成績,作為後場指揮官的Darius Garland絕對是關鍵之一,雖然未曾在聯盟取得個人或團體榮譽,但能夠得到這位兩次MVP的指導,甚至能夠留下深刻的印象,相信要成為下一位全明星球員會是指日可待!騎士近況在傷兵困擾下,戰績有所回落,好消息是根據報導將會有部份球員即將回到球隊。



標籤: NBA  Darius Garland  Stephen Curry