LeBron James缺陣也不用怕?Anthony Davis豪言:「我將以自己的方式帶領球隊!」

洛杉磯湖人今季成績十分掙扎,日前當家LeBron James因觸發健康安全協議缺陣,幸好通過檢測後下一場可以歸隊,但另一當家Anthony Davis並沒有懼怕更豪言:「我將以自己的方式帶領球隊!」

Anthony Davis向運動媒體表示:「我正在為我的職業生涯下一步展示領導力,我將以自己的方式帶領球隊!我正在努力成為其中一員來表達他平時在更衣室所展示令人的感受。Rondo、Melo和Westbrook都一直在鼓勵我使用我的發言權,因為我在比賽時通常是一個非常安靜的人,我唯一一次真正發言的時候是當我被推到邊緣時。但他們一直告訴我『用你的聲音,用你的聲音。』。無論是面對媒體還是在更衣室,我都希望成為說出自己想法的人,這是因為我希望幫助隊友充滿信心。當我們贏得冠軍時我就在這裡,所以我告訴他們這是一個漫長的賽季,我只是利用我的知識和經驗來幫助他們。我們的優勢是我們有一個經驗豐富的團隊,所有人都知道我們必須做甚麼,這是一件好事。我會告訴隊內的年青球員:『我們很好,繼續前進。』,我們的隊友都知道他們在場上和場下應該做甚麼,特別是當你想念這樣的隊友(LBJ)時。」

“I’m just taking that next step in leadership to my career,” Davis told Yahoo! Sports. “I’m going to lead the team my way. I’m trying to be one of the guys to express how he feels in our locker room. Rondo, ’Melo (Anthony), Russ have all been encouraging me to use my voice because I’m normally a really quiet guy when I’m playing and the only time I really talk is when I get tipped over the edge. But they’ve been telling me to ‘Use your voice. Use your voice.’”

“I’m going to be the guy who speaks his mind whether it’s in the media or the locker room,” he continued. “But it’s because I’m trying to help the team breathe confidence in these guys. Obviously, I was here when we won the title, so I’m telling them it’s a long season and just using my knowledge and my experience to help these guys out. The good thing about us, we’ve got a veteran group. All these guys already know what we have to do, which is a good thing. Now the younger group, I’m just telling them, ‘We’re OK. Just keep [pushing on].’ We’ve got a lot of guys who know what they’re supposed to do on and off the floor, especially when you’re missing a guy like that.”

Anthony Davis過往在新奧爾良時其中一樣為人詬病的就是其領導能力,個人打出全明星的數據,但七年來只曾帶領球隊兩次打入季後賽。直至轉投湖人後成為LBJ副手,球迷也淡忘他不強的領導能力,前者缺陣或許是AD展現自己進步的時機,加上隊內多位老將給予信心,期望球迷會看到另一個他吧!



標籤: NBA  LeBron James  Anthony Davis