「手套」Gary Payton認為當年湖人F4比現時三巨頭更強!暗指今季與總冠軍無望?

名人堂後衛「手套」Gary Payton是聯盟其中一位垃圾話高手,退休多年但說話依然一針見血,他曾為追求冠軍指環,在2003/04球季加盟洛杉磯湖人與原有的OK連線及「郵差」Karl Malone組成F4爭冠,可惜最終大爆冷不敵底特律活塞,這個四人組僅僅一季更寫上句號。今季湖人組成三巨頭,甚至是被球迷稱為抱團的五巨頭,但「手套」卻認為當年F4比現時三巨頭更強!


日前Gary Payton接受勇士前鋒Draymond Green的訪問,前者對於今季的湖人嚴苛批評:「我不認為現時這支湖人與我們2003年的完全不同,我們都知道自己有各自的角色,我認為Russell Westbrook並沒有按照他應該的方式去打球。他要與過往打法截然不同是一件新鮮事,然後必須和AD和LBJ一起上陣,你需要把球傳給他們,他在籃球場上有很強的統治力,至於要他做他沒有做過的事情,我覺得他想太多了。」這位前輩直接導出現時湖人問題原因,就是角色的各自定位不清晰,矛頭更直指三雙王仍然未融入球隊,主帥的用人策略也經常被球迷批評,令到湖人的戰績只是浮浮沉沉。
引用“I don’t think this Laker team is nothing like our team in 2003 at all,” Payton said. “I think we had players that knew their role, and I don’t think Russ is playing the way he should be playing.
“It’s a new thing to go and be the man so long, and then you gotta go with A.D. and LeBron. And you gotta give them the ball. He’s so much dominant on the basketball, that he’s not doing the things he did. I think he’s thinking too much.”

引用“And they rely on LeBron so much that they’re watching him,” Payton said. “They don’t play the way that you guys play, like with people cut and move and do that. They are watching the basketball too much.
“But I don’t think this team that the Lakers got are nothing like us. I think we were more in our prime. A lot of us was way more in our prime. They’re just hurt right now, and it’s just a struggle. And it’s hard to put a team like that together, and you guys are not healthy.”

