湖人主教練之位如履薄冰?Frank Vogel隨時帥位不保!

洛杉磯湖人雖然擊敗猶他爵士中止三連敗,但只是把戰績拉回五成,球季已進行一半但季後賽席位依然未明朗,根據記者透露,湖人高層正評估主教練Frank Vogel的表現,更可能隨時把他辭去!

根據The Athletic的兩位記者Bill Oram和Sam Amick消息透露:「當湖人在周一迎戰爵士前,即是在48小時前輸給丹佛金塊37分,Frank Vogel差一些就被解僱。如果在迎戰爵士的比賽中再次輸球,很多人都認為這將會是他執教湖人的最後一場比賽。他曾在2020年帶領湖人獲得總冠軍,而合約會直到2022/23球季,他正在被逐場評估,如果球隊進展不繼續,他仍然有被解僱的風險。可是目前還不清楚擊敗爵士的勝利,能夠舒緩了他多少的壓力。」

引用“By the time the Lakers and Jazz tipped off on Monday night, sources said, Vogel was coaching for his job after he narrowly avoided being fired in the wake of the 37-point loss in Denver 48 hours earlier. Had a scene like that repeated itself against the Jazz, many believed it would have been Vogel’s last game.

“Vogel, who coached the Lakers to a championship in 2020 and whose contract runs through the 2022-23 campaign, is being evaluated on a game-to-game basis and remains at risk of being fired soon if the progress doesn’t continue, sources said. It’s unclear how much Monday’s win relieved the pressure that surrounds him.”

湖人今季飽受不同問題困擾,加上主力Anthony Davis因傷未歸隊,而且防守上的問題十分嚴重,作為主帥的他絕對是責無旁貸。湖人在下一仗主場迎戰溜馬後,將展開一月底的連續六場作客之旅,而且都是東岸的勁旅,每一場評估即是每一場他都有被辭去的可能,隨時再次回到主場時已不再是由他領軍,就看看他能否自我救贖吧!

