Stephen Curry回憶與Kobe Bryant的最後一次相遇,作為父親身同感受。

洛杉磯湖人傳奇球員Kobe Bryant不幸去世已經兩年多,但不少人仍然懷念他在世的時光,日前金州勇士球星Stephen Curry就在訪問中提及到,他與Kobe Bryant的最後一次相遇,而且是一次令他同作為父親感到鼓舞的時刻。

Stephen Curry在The Athletic的訪問中表示:「我當時在洛杉磯,與他(Kobe Bryant)和他的一位商業拍檔一起晚餐,他就像是一本活字典。我記得剛坐下來時,他跟我說他退休前一直在做的事,在他退休後的第一年,然後是他當時正在做的事情(Kobe退休後便立刻多方面發展)。所有這一切聽起來都很棒,因為對他來說都是真實的,並且希望講述一個真實故事,以及在那一刻對他來說重要的事情。其中很多都圍繞著他的孩子們,所以這是最鼓舞人心的事情。......那是我最後一次親眼見到他。」
引用“I was in L.A. and had dinner with him and one of his business associates,” Curry told The Athletic’s Sam Amick. “He was an open book. But I remember just sitting down and him taking me on a journey of what he had been doing before he retired, in that first year after he retired, and then what he was currently doing. All of it sounded amazing because it was true to him and authentic in terms of what story he was trying to tell, and what was important to him at that moment.

“And a lot of it was centered around his kids, and the girls, so that was the most inspirational thing. … That was the last time I saw him in person.”

Kobe Bryant在世時作為四女之父,對她們的愛錫是一位好爸爸的典範,同為父親的Stephen Curry家中有兩女一子,如何養育孩子們相信是二人的共同難題,但這次碰面對後者產生了正面的影響,加上無論在場內場外都有著不少交流,這次在最後晚餐上的交談和得著,應該會在Stephen Curry的心中留下重要的一幕。



標籤: NBA  Kobe Bryant  Stephen Curry  The Athletic