Russell Westbrook視湖人隊友LeBron James為學習對象!

洛杉磯湖人球星LeBron James日前金州勇士攻下56分,成為NBA歷史上斷Kobe Bryant後,第二位在37歲後攻入最少56分的球員,可惜在賽後因為受傷暫時需要缺陣,但仍無阻隊友Russell Westbrook視他為學習對象!

Russell Westbrook對於可以在這位已經37歲的隊友感到歎為觀止:「只要每天看著他都會被吸引定格,他的比賽水平並不是大家期望在這個高年紀所打球的水平,我可以親眼目睹想學習的事情,因為我在聯盟中年齡只會愈來愈大。我在想辦法讓自己變得高效,不僅如此,他是有史以來最好的球員之一,也證明了為何仍然每一年都在,他不斷地證明其他人是錯的。」
引用“Just being around daily and seeing him be locked in, he’s playing at a level that people don’t really expect him to play at at his age, and to see it first-hand is something I can learn from as I continue to get older in this league,” he said. “Find ways to be able to be effective, and not just that, he’s one of the best of all time and he’s showing exactly why he’s that year after that, he keeps proving other people wrong.”

他也在認問中認為LeBron James能夠在比賽中發揮出高水平時,幾乎沒有人可以阻止他,特別是在意志上的堅持,可能比身體機能的狀況更重要,近年年紀雖然大加上開始受傷患困擾,但仍然交出高效的全能數據,在需要贏球時更加突顯他的重要性,難怪三雙王希望在他身上學習如何在大年紀之下繼續保持高效率。

