湖人Russell Westbrook希望增加留隊機會?他表示與LeBron James仍然保持緊密關係!

洛杉磯湖人無緣季後賽已經處於休賽期,球員雖然得到休息但是依然要為自己前途擔心,合約期滿的就要尋找下一支球隊,仍然留隊的就可能成為交易籌碼而擔心(應該除了LeBron James以外),被視為頭號交易對象的Russell Westbrook就表示今季的失敗沒有影響與LBJ的關係,似乎希望增加自己留隊的機會。

引用“I mean, it didn’t affect it, like, off the floor and trying to figure out on the floor,” he said. “Obviously the ultimate part is that we both know that this season didn’t go the way we wanted it to. At least from my perspective, I know Bron as well, but it didn’t affect any aspect for me.
“I was trying … my job is to try to make the game easier for him and I was trying to do that when I had abilities to better do so. And then after, off the floor, we still stayed tight, and then that won’t change.”

LeBron James過往都有與隊友不合的時候,在克利夫蘭騎士和Kyrie Irving的共處問題最終令後者出走到波士頓塞爾特人,隊友之間有芥蒂自然難取得好成績,能夠和稱兄道弟的隊友上陣當然會有協同效應。湖人總經理Rob Pelinka在現階段對於這位2017年MVP的去向仍然是一個非常含糊的回答,合約價值﹑年齡﹑可交易球隊等等都是考慮因素,不知道今次Westbrook的示好會否令他成功留隊呢?

