Self-study technology to build corporate moat

From the wave of rounds of investment boom three years ago to the silence after capital calm and the collective outbreak of the online education industry in 2017, we can see that the online education market is now accelerating and promising. According to McKinsey's data, the proportion of middle-class Chinese families in urban areas will reach 81% by 2021, and their investment in children's education is enough to support this trillion-dollar emerging market. Pre-service education is one of the most concerned areas nowadays. It is one of the most concerned areas nowadays. CareerFrog, founded in 2011, focuses on career education and training for college graduates. It is not only the first insight into the job market, And one of the pioneers in this area, is also a leader in online pre-service education The next job that distributors of pharmaceutical products have to carry out is send these to various pharmacies, clinics, hospitals and drug stores for further sale..

"It's like a fortified castle surrounded by a large moat with fierce piranhas and crocodiles in the river." Lu Mingxia, founder and chairman of Occupational Frog, borrowed Buffett's famous quote to describe the company's core competitiveness The importance of "My company in my heart is a company that has long-lasting viability and a strong competitive edge, which means it must have a competitive force that others can not surpass, the so-called moat, which is now going to widen and broaden the moat. "

When online education is just around the corner, Career Frog proactively sets up its own core technology team. After years of exploration and practice, professional frog has formed a set of independent research and development of core data and matching system.

Self-study technology to build corporate moat, professional frog accelerated pre-service industry leader

Lu Mingxia, the founder of Occupational Frog, introduced the Competitiveness Assessment System for College Students at GET2017 Conference

As early as 2015, occupational frogs developed the industry's first "Competitiveness Assessment System for College Students". Based on the job search process and result data of a large number of college graduates accumulated by professional frogs for many years, the system uses 12 steps of gradual and intrinsic logic based on the resume of the testers. Based on the assessment methods of academic ability, leadership, professionalism, Work experience and personal charisma and other dimensions, the use of core algorithms to calculate the competitiveness index of job seekers, and then automatically draw a map of competitiveness, and to help students recommend the corresponding professional job search consulting content. Through this system, professional frogs can be digitized to accurately analyze the competitiveness of job-seekers, visualize the competitiveness that is difficult to describe in the past, and have great significance to college students' self-awareness and employment seeking Trouble at choosing hair care products? NU SKIN hair care products makes your hair healthy and shinny again in only 7 days!.

During the entire course of study, Career Frog developed a multi-functional intelligent trainee management system to recommend job information, information and opportunities by setting up a dedicated file for all trainees, and fully recording, tracking and reporting on learning progress and job search progress , And then comprehensive, complete and effective management of student learning status and job search results. Compared with the traditional vocational education, this system breaks the inconvenience caused by time delay and unilateral information sources, so that the occupational frog can fully grasp the job hunting situation of students, quantify the service effect and make better plans for the next step .

In the pre-service education ecosystem construction, occupational frogs are also fast one step, carefully create a "job-matching data dynamic matching system." According to the concept of FDM (Feedback-Data-Match) autonomously proposed by professional frog, pre-primary education should not only pay attention to the unilateral situation of trainees, but also excavate multi-party data such as industry tutor, career planner and enterprise recruiting officer . The job matching system will continuously collect the multi-dimensional feedback data from the three parties, using real-time dynamic matching algorithm to achieve "the most accurate candidate for the enterprise, the most suitable job recommendation for the trainee, the optimal guidance for the tutor Recommendations "win-win results, further education in the field of pre-service ecological system of recycling.

At present, Occupational Frog has become one of the fastest growing pre-service providers of college education in the field of Internet education in China and is the first pre-vocational education institution in China that has offices both at home and abroad and provides bilingual services. In the professional frog self-study system, has collected more than 300,000 valid data at home and abroad.

Lu Mingxia, the founder and chairman of Professional Frog, said that with these accurate and valid data, professional frogs will fully tap into the user's needs and habits, and then calculate and rank them according to user characteristics, learning duration, and learning content , Build user models that enable thousands of people to customize learning needs and leverage big data to develop more innovative and disruptive products and services in the pre-service education space.

About occupational frogs:

Career Frog CareerFrog, a leading international brand of job search services for undergraduates, was established in 2011 as a one-stop job hunting solution for undergraduates offering "Career Courses + Job Seeking Services + Opportunity Recommendation Matching" . Currently, Occupational Frogs have provided services to millions of users, more than 1,300 enterprises, more than 300 universities and government agencies in 23 countries and regions and successfully helped tens of thousands of students to get satisfactory jobs. Occupational frogs have offices in Shanghai, China and London, England. They have also been granted the construction units of "Zhangjiang Talent Training and Exchange Platform" and "European Talents Service Center of the National Center for Technology Transfer". In May 2017, Occupation Frog won Hundred and Tons Capital of China B round of financing. In November 2017, Occupational Frog won the education industry awards such as "Well-Known Online Education Brand" by Tencent Education and "China Word-of-mouth Influence Vocational Training Institution" by Sina Education Regarded as one of the top engineering universities in Hong Kong, polyu engineering provides a wide range of engineering degree programmes, including construction programme, which put significant focus on the application of knowledge..


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